How to set variable to blocks?

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Active Member
Apr 16, 2018
on break of stone:
    chance of 100%:
        loop all blocks in radius 3 around player:
            add 1 to {_x}
        set {_x} to random integer between 1 and {_x}
        loop all blocks in radius 3 around player:
            add 1 to {_y}
            {_x} is {_y}
            set {_belphite} to location of loop-block
            exit loop
        set block at {_belphite} to lapis ore
        add 1 to {_belphite}'s y-coordinate
        create hologram "&a&l&nBelphite Ores" at {_belphite} for 300 seconds
        wait 5 minutes
        set {_belphite} to air

on click on lapis ore:
    if {_belphite}'s location is equal to event-block's location:
        cancel event
        send "m"

I have lost of ideas. Anyone know how to do it? This is for mining on caves
While mining stones there's 0.01% chance that it will spawn unique ores and i wanna set the unique ores to a variable so when the players mines it it triggers something because its a variable blocks
add the location to a dictionary

set {listofblocks::%location of loop-block%} to "lapis"

on click on lapis ore:
if {listofblocks::%location of event-block%} is "lapis"

Your errors:
You use local variables. Underscore marks a variable as local. Local means that the variable gets deleted after the current event/command/and more

On break:
set {_t} to "message"

on click:
send "%{_t}%"
#sends '<none>'

on click:
send "%{t}%"
#sends '<none>'

On break:
set {t} to "message"

on click:
send "%{t}%"
#sends 'message'
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