Solved Keycard skript

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Nov 15, 2020
So... I don't know how to skript, so I thought this is the best place to ask. I want to make a thing where you press a specific type of button (material of button) with for example a glass pane named smt. You have multiple levels of keycards (lets say 1-5) if you use a level 3 keycard on a level 3 reader, the iron door opens. If you use a lower level, it doesn't. If you use a higher level, it still opens. How do you do that?
if someone has a proper keycard level, you could make it so Redstone blocks would appear, then disappear, but it is totally up to you, hope this helps
[doublepost=1605543069,1605541494][/doublepost]Wait sorry, i forgot about colors, and how to give the keycard to a player Use this code instead, it has updated colors, and other stuff
on rightclick on oak button:
  if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e1 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &61 &edoors":
    #Do something here, it could be placing a redstone block, then removing it, or doing something else, whatever you choose
  if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e2 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &62 &edoors":
    #Do whatever you want
  if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e3 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &63 &edoors":
    #Do whatever you want
  if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e4 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &64 &edoors":
    #Do whatever you want
  if player's tool is glass pane with name "&aLevel &e5 &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &65 &edoors":
    #Do whatever you want

command /givekeycard <number>:
  permission: {keycards.admin}  #I have no fricking clue how to use permissions, if i did this wrong, please remove it
  Usage: /givekeycard <keycard number>
    if arg-1 is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
      give player glass pane with name "&aLevel &e%arg-1% &aAccess Card" with lore "&eAccess to level &6%arg-1% &edoors"
      send "&cThats not a valid keycard number! The valid numbers are &41&c, &42,&c, &43&c, &44&c, &45&c!"

And I'm in school rn, so I haven't had a chance to test in-game, but the parser yields no errors
Sure, I can do that

    {p} = "<&6LoKS&f>"

on right click on stone button:
    set {tempLock} to (location of event-block)
    player is holding stick named "Wand":
        send "%{p}% &bUse &6/lock &b<&61&b-&65&b> to create a lock."
        {loks::%{sec}%::%{tempLock}%} is set:
            set {n} to name of player's tool parsed as integer
            if player's tool is white stained glass pane:
                if name of player's tool is set:
                    if {loks::%{sec}%::%{tempLock}%} > {n}:
                        cancel event
                    cancel event
                cancel event

function lokCheck(tempLock: location):
    loop 5 times:
        if {loks::%loop-number%::%{tempLock}%} is set:
            set {sec} to loop-number

on break of stone button:
    set {tempLock} to (location of event-block)
    if {loks::%{sec}%::%{tempLock}%} is set:
        delete {loks::%{sec}%::%{tempLock}%}
        send "%{p}% &bLock deleted."

command /key [<string=1>] [<player=%player%>]:
    # permission: loks.use.%arg-1%
        if arg-1 = "Wand":
            give player a stick named "Wand"
            give arg-2 white stained glass pane named arg-1

command /lock [<integer>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "%{p}% &bPlease specify a number between &61 &band &65."
        else if arg-1 > 6:
            send "%{p}% &bPlease use a number between &61 &band &65&b."
            if {tempLock} is set:
            set {loks::%arg-1%::%{tempLock}%} to arg-1
            send "%{p}% &bLevel &6%arg-1% &bLock created!"
            send "%{p}% &bYou need to select a button first!"

Editted like 5 times because it wouldn't put my indents in for some reason
[doublepost=1605591731][/doublepost]I'll post a how-to tomorrow