Tempban Skript <none>

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Oct 6, 2020
Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.5-beta2-MH (This is the Minehut Version)
Skript Author: Njol,Mirreski,besku,TheBentoBox,FranKusmiruk,SahneBeee,Blueyescat,JRoy,Nicofisi,ApicledWalrus,xXAndrew28Xx, Syst3ms, TheLimeGrass, Pikachu920, Sashie,Walthyturtle,OfficialDonut, and eyesniper2
Minecraft Version: 1.16.3

The error is, if you put it in there and execute command /tempban <player> test 30 seconds and join back. It'll give you that the time remaining is <none>. I've tried many fixes, but they never work. This is not skidded. Any suggestions? EDIT: I don't know how to put it in that "code thing", and the addons that i'm using is SkQuery, skRayFall. I am also using Vault
Full Code:
command /tempban [<offline player>] [<text>] [<timespan>]:
permission: admin
permission message: &cYou cannot use this command!
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
set {tempbanned.time.%arg-1's uuid%} to arg 3
set {tempbanned.%arg-1's uuid%} to true
set {tempbanned.timestamp.%arg-1's uuid%} to now
set {tempbanreason.%arg-1's uuid%} to arg 2
set {tempbanned.executor.%arg-1's uuid%} to "%executor%"
kick arg 1 due to "&cYou were tempbanned for %arg-2%&c! &cYou were banned for &6%arg-3%&c!"
loop all players:
if player has permission "MOD":
send "&a%arg-1% &awas tempbanned by %player%&a for &a%arg-3%&a!"
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&cYou must specify a player to ban!"
if arg 2 is not set:
send "&cYou must specify a reason!"
if arg 3 is not set:
send "&cYou must specify a time to ban someone!"

on connect:
if {tempbanned.time.%player's uuid%} is set:
set {_waited} to difference between {tempbanned.timestamp.%player's uuid%} and now
if {_waited} is less than {tempbanned.time.%player's uuid%}:
kick player due to "&cYou were temporaily banned from this server!%nl%&cBanned by: &6%{tempbanned.executor.%player's uuid%}%&c!%nl%&cReason: &6%{tempbanreason.%player's uuid%}%%nl%&cTime Remaining: &6%difference between {tempbanned.time.%player's uuid%} and {_waiting}%&c!"
delete {tempbanned.executor.%player's uuid%}
delete {tempbanned.time.%player's uuid%}
delete {tempbanreason.%player's uuid%}
delete {tempbanned.timestamp.%player's uuid%}
You didn't define {_waiting} so that's why it returns <none>

Use this:
on connect:
    if {tempbanned.time.%player's uuid%} is set:
        set {_waited} to difference between {tempbanned.timestamp.%player's uuid%} and now
    set {_totaltime} to {tempbanned.time.%player's uuid%}
    subtract {_waited} from {_totaltime}
    if {_waited} is less than {tempbanned.time.%player's uuid%}:
        kick player due to "&cYou were temporaily banned from this server!%nl%&cBanned by: &6%{tempbanned.executor.%player's uuid%}%&c!%nl%&cReason: &6%{tempbanreason.%player's uuid%}%%nl%&cTime Remaining: &6%{_totaltime}%&c!"
        delete {tempbanned.executor.%player's uuid%}
        delete {tempbanned.time.%player's uuid%}
        delete {tempbanreason.%player's uuid%}
        delete {tempbanned.timestamp.%player's uuid%}
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