Can someone create perworldinventory skript?

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Can someone create perworldinventory skript?
just use this skript:
# Every World With Every Inventory!

# Implements In Your Skript!

function saveinv(w: text , p: player):
    set {_count} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        set {inv.%{_p}%.%{_count}%.main.%{_w}%} to slot {_count} of {_p}'s inventory
        add 1 to {_count}
    set {inv.%{_p}%.helmet.main.%{_w}%} to {_p}'s helmet
    set {inv.%{_p}%.chest.main.%{_w}%} to {_p}'s chestplate
    set {inv.%{_p}%.legs.main.%{_w}%} to {_p}'s leggings
    set {inv.%{_p}%.feet.main.%{_w}%} to {_p}'s boots
function giveinv(w: text , p: player , a: text):
    execute console command "/clear %{_p}%"
    wait 1 tick
    set {_count} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        set slot {_count} of {_p}'s inventory to {inv.%{_p}%.%{_count}%.main.%{_w}%}
        add 1 to {_count}
    set the helmet of {_p} to {inv.%{_p}%.helmet.main.%{_w}%}
    set the chestplate of {_p} to {inv.%{_p}%.chest.main.%{_w}%}
    set the leggings of {_p} to {inv.%{_p}%.legs.main.%{_w}%}
    set the boots of {_p} to {inv.%{_p}%.feet.main.%{_w}%}
on teleport:
    saveinv("%event-world%" , player)
    giveinv("%future world%" , player , "%event-world%")
just use this skript:
# Every World With Every Inventory!

# Implements In Your Skript!

function saveinv(w: text , p: player):
    set {_count} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        set {inv.%{_p}%.%{_count}%.main.%{_w}%} to slot {_count} of {_p}'s inventory
        add 1 to {_count}
    set {inv.%{_p}%.helmet.main.%{_w}%} to {_p}'s helmet
    set {inv.%{_p}%.chest.main.%{_w}%} to {_p}'s chestplate
    set {inv.%{_p}%.legs.main.%{_w}%} to {_p}'s leggings
    set {inv.%{_p}%.feet.main.%{_w}%} to {_p}'s boots
function giveinv(w: text , p: player , a: text):
    execute console command "/clear %{_p}%"
    wait 1 tick
    set {_count} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        set slot {_count} of {_p}'s inventory to {inv.%{_p}%.%{_count}%.main.%{_w}%}
        add 1 to {_count}
    set the helmet of {_p} to {inv.%{_p}%.helmet.main.%{_w}%}
    set the chestplate of {_p} to {inv.%{_p}%.chest.main.%{_w}%}
    set the leggings of {_p} to {inv.%{_p}%.legs.main.%{_w}%}
    set the boots of {_p} to {inv.%{_p}%.feet.main.%{_w}%}
on teleport:
    saveinv("%event-world%" , player)
    giveinv("%future world%" , player , "%event-world%")

I want to change the global variable {variable} to local variable {_variable}
So what type that variable in that code? {inv.%{_p}%.blablabla}
Is that text, or item, or anything? This is for save the variable type to local file