Saving an interactive book in Skript-YAML

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Apr 22, 2020
Trying to save the book the player has in their hand WITH clickable events and command in Skript-YAML. Don't know if it's possible but here is the code:

set yaml value "book_%arg 2%" from "books" to player's tool

Also tried setting a variable to the player's tool and then storing that in yaml to no avail. Does this need to be parsed? I'm new to skript and any help is appreciated.

Edit: Skellet no longer supports books from what it looks like and I'm running paper 1.15.2
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Hello, this should work.
Do you save the YML after?
Yes it saves to this:
    ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
    v: 2230
    type: WRITTEN_BOOK
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: BOOK_SIGNED
        title: Nickname
        author: Eringale
        - |-
            Let's get you set up§0
            §0With your nickname! First, you'll need to choose which §0§lRANK§0
            §0you would like to be shows as when nicked.§0
            §0➤ §0Default§0
            §0➤ §dHERO§0
            §0➤ §bCHAMPION§0
            §0➤ §6LEGEND

These last 4 items should have clickable events (Nickname skript) that activate commands. If anyone even knows the proper way for me to manually type it into the yaml PLEASE let me know.
[doublepost=1588604660,1588604382][/doublepost]Update 2:
Tried using SKBee. Reloaded with 0 errors but does not store the nbt still. Maybe my syntax is off?

              if player is holding a written book:
                set {_book} to player's tool
                set {_nbt} to nbt of player's tool
                add {_nbt} to {_book}
                set yaml value "book_%arg 2%" from "books" to {_book}
                save yaml "books"
                message "{@prefix} Book &e%arg 2%&7 has been successfully set!" to executor
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