if player has item

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Mar 31, 2020
If player has a particular item, I want it to be sold.

    p: &6&lOTOSAT &8► &f
    lapislazuli: 100
    lapiscevher: 2222222
    lapisblok: 222222222
every 30 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {lapislazuliac.%loop-player%} is true:
            if loop-player has 1 of lapis lazuli:
                remove all lapis lazuli from loop-player's inventory
                add {@lapislazuli} * {_itemcountlz} to the loop-player's money
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If player has a particular item, I want it to be sold.

    p: &6&lOTOSAT &8► &f
    lapislazuli: 100
    lapiscevher: 2222222
    lapisblok: 222222222
every 30 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {lapislazuliac.%loop-player%} is true:
            if loop-player has 1 of lapis lazuli:
                remove all lapis lazuli from loop-player's inventory
                add {@lapislazuli} * {_itemcountlz} to the loop-player's money
Is this a request or a question with a code? Anyways, this should help you:

    p: &6&lOTOSAT &8► &f
    lapislazuli: 100
    lapiscevher: 2222222
    lapisblok: 222222222

every 30 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {lapislazuliac.%loop-player%} is true:
            set {_inv} to loop-player's inventory
            if {_inv} contains lapis lazuli:
                set {_lap} to amount of lapis lazuli in {_inv}
                wait a tick
                set {_lap.total} to {@lapislazuli} * {_lap}
                wait a tick
                add {_lap.total} to loop-player's balance
                remove all lapis lazuli from {_inv}
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Is this a request or a question with a code? Anyways, this should help you:

    p: &6&lOTOSAT &8► &f
    lapislazuli: 100
    lapiscevher: 2222222
    lapisblok: 222222222

every 30 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {lapislazuliac.%loop-player%} is true:
            set {_inv} to loop-player's inventory
            if {_inv} contains lapis lazuli:
                set {_lap} to amount of lapis lazuli in {_inv}
                wait a tick
                set {_lap.total} to {@lapislazuli} * {_lap}
                wait a tick
                add {_lap.total} to loop-player's balance
                remove all lapis lazuli from {_inv}

I want to do this for a few different items, but I want to send a single message to the players. How can I do that ?
I want to do this for a few different items, but I want to send a single message to the players. How can I do that ?
I didnt try this:
    p: &6&lOTOSAT &8► &f
    lapislazuli: 100
    cobb: 50
    iron ore: 150
    lapiscevher: 2222222
    lapisblok: 222222222

every 30 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {autosell.%loop-player%} is true:
            set {_inv} to loop-player's inventory
            loop all items in the {_inv}:
                add loop-value-2 to {_inventory::*}
            if {_inventory::*} contains lapis lazuli or cobblestone or iron ore: #The items that you want.
                set {_lap} to amount of lapis lazuli in {_inv}
                set {_cobb} to amount of cobblestone in {_inv}
                set {_iron.ore} to amount of iron ore in {_inv}
                wait a tick
                set {_lap.total} to {@lapislazuli} * {_lap}
                set {_cobb.total} to {@cobb} * {_cobb}
                set {_iron.ore.total} to {@iron ore} * {_iron.ore}
                wait a tick
                set {_items.total} to {_lap.total} + {_cobb.total} + {_iron.ore.total}
                add {_items.total} to loop-player's balance
                send "&2You sold &a%{_items.total}%" to loop-player
                remove loop-value from {_inv}
I didnt try this:
    p: &6&lOTOSAT &8► &f
    lapislazuli: 100
    cobb: 50
    iron ore: 150
    lapiscevher: 2222222
    lapisblok: 222222222

every 30 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {autosell.%loop-player%} is true:
            set {_inv} to loop-player's inventory
            loop all items in the {_inv}:
                add loop-value-2 to {_inventory::*}
            if {_inventory::*} contains lapis lazuli or cobblestone or iron ore: #The items that you want.
                set {_lap} to amount of lapis lazuli in {_inv}
                set {_cobb} to amount of cobblestone in {_inv}
                set {_iron.ore} to amount of iron ore in {_inv}
                wait a tick
                set {_lap.total} to {@lapislazuli} * {_lap}
                set {_cobb.total} to {@cobb} * {_cobb}
                set {_iron.ore.total} to {@iron ore} * {_iron.ore}
                wait a tick
                set {_items.total} to {_lap.total} + {_cobb.total} + {_iron.ore.total}
                add {_items.total} to loop-player's balance
                send "&2You sold &a%{_items.total}%" to loop-player
                remove loop-value from {_inv}

I do not want all items to be sold when players open the automatic sale that can open and close the sale of certain items
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