Solved Saving virtual chest to variable

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Mar 14, 2020
When I am reloading script it says:
an inventory cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {save::backup::%{_player}%::%{_index}%} will be lost when the server stops.
I know it can't be saved by Skript, but is there way to save virtual inventory? Maybe on unload loop for inventory size, then set {save::backup::%{_player}%::%{_index}%::items::%{_slot}%} to loop-item and on load do it opposite way? I have no idea, I plan to have average of 10 players on server every day, and auto save is pretty often (2 minutes) so this {_index} variable can be very high(of course not infinity, there is data wipe everyday at 00:00), what results in bad performance(I think that works that way). If someone could help me with that, I would very appreciate this :emoji_slight_smile:
When I am reloading script it says:
an inventory cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {save::backup::%{_player}%::%{_index}%} will be lost when the server stops.
I know it can't be saved by Skript, but is there way to save virtual inventory? Maybe on unload loop for inventory size, then set {save::backup::%{_player}%::%{_index}%::items::%{_slot}%} to loop-item and on load do it opposite way? I have no idea, I plan to have average of 10 players on server every day, and auto save is pretty often (2 minutes) so this {_index} variable can be very high(of course not infinity, there is data wipe everyday at 00:00), what results in bad performance(I think that works that way). If someone could help me with that, I would very appreciate this :emoji_slight_smile:
Serialize contents of inventory into a string and save it that way. This can be done with skript-json or skript-mirror.
Serialize contents of inventory into a string and save it that way. This can be done with skript-json or skript-mirror.

Can you give me more details about that way? It's kinda hard to understand you properly with my english level :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
How I am supposed to serialize contents of inventory?
Can you give me more details about that way? It's kinda hard to understand you properly with my english level :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
How I am supposed to serialize contents of inventory?
Using skript-json, example for chest gui / player inventory. Im not sure how well this works on newer versions. I think I made this for 1.8.8. I can't remember.
function jsonSerializeInventoryContents(inventory: inventory) :: String:
    set {_size} to {_inventory}'s amount of rows * 9
    set {_c} to 0
    loop {_size} times:
        add slot {_c} of {_inventory} to {_items::*}
        add 1 to {_c}
    if "%{_inventory}%" is not "inventory of <none>":
        loop 5 times:
            set {_i} to slot {_c} of {_inventory}
            if "%{_i}%" is "<none>":
                add air to {_items::*}
                add slot {_c} of {_inventory} to {_items::*}
            add 1 to {_c}
            delete {_i}
    return {_items::*}'s serialized json form

function jsonSetSerializedInventoryContents(inventory: inventory, json: string, includeArmor: boolean):
    map json {_json} to {_items::*}
    set {_c} to 1
    loop ({_inventory}'s amount of rows * 9) times:
        set slot {_c}-1 of {_inventory} to {_items::%{_c}%}
        add 1 to {_c}
    if "%{_inventory}%" is not "inventory of <none>":
        if {_includeArmor} is true:
            loop 5 times:
                set slot {_c}-1 of {_inventory} to {_items::%{_c}%}
                add 1 to {_c}

command /saveplayerinv:
        set {Inv.%uuid of player%} to jsonSerializeInventoryContents(player's inventory)
        message "&aInventory saved. Retrieving in 3 seconds."
        clear player's inventory
        wait 3 seconds
        jsonSetSerializedInventoryContents(player's inventory, {Inv.%uuid of player%}, true)
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