Solved Particle Problem

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Nov 18, 2019
So I am trying to make a particle go from the arrow to the player, but the particle doesn't appear and I get this error message:
User 'projectile' and/or 'shooter' in projectile hit events {, line 36:}

My code is:
on rightclick holding stick:
set {wanduser} to player
set {_cd} to difference between {shoot-arrow.%uuid of player%} and now
if {_cd} is less than 0.2 seconds:
set {shoot-arrow.%uuid of player%} to now
shoot arrow from player at speed 20

on projectile hit:
set {_locationtarget} to the location 1 in front of the projectile
Line 36: drawLine particle redstone, RGB 0, 1, 1, center {wanduser}, target {_locationtarget}, id "%player%", rainbowMode true, solid false, density 20, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 32, displacementXYZ 0, 1.2, 0, pulseDelay 1
delete projectile

My plugins are:
Skript, skdragon, skquery, skvault

Also, if there is anything else wrong you see in my code, please point it out! Thanks!
thanks :emoji_grinning:
Different question though, how do I make the time for it to reach it's destination quicker? I am making it as a trail for a wand but the arrow on the wand goes too quick, and it takes a while for it to catch up so I can use the particle trail again.
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