Unbreakable Tools 1.8

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Feb 20, 2019
Hello guys, I am making a BuildFFA Skript and I want to make the tools unbreakable. I have found a thread with umbaska but that does not work for me. Also I found a posibillity to do it with Skript dev-12b or something but that also does not work for me because version and stuff. So where I have to get it unbreakable is here:

set slot {sword::slot::%sender%} of sender to unbreakable gold sword of sharpness 1 and unbreaking 16000 named "&7» &bSchwert"
set slot {stick::slot::%sender%} of sender to stick of knockback 2 named "&7» &bStick"
Skript has a build in Unbreakable Items expression (added in dev13b). Use that.
If you are using a version of Skript older than that:
1) It would help us to know which version you are using. We aren't mind readers
2) Update your version of Skript to at least Skript 2.2-dev36
Hey thanks for your reply but i cant Update Skript because all my skripts would not work any more its because of skquery (SkQuery 3) i also dont know what Version of Skript im using also other addons cause issues. But i am using spigot ver. 1.8.8 and i don‘t want to upgrade.

So im now at the computer and wanted to ask if you guys could send me the right version of Skript for 1.8.8 and SkQuery because when I try to Enable Skript (Skript-dev36) it works but when I then try to enable SkQuery it does not work so what version of SkQuery should I use?

SkQuery 4 Error: Pastebin
SkQuery 3
Error: Pastebin

When I change the aliases-english.sk (SkQuery 3) Error: Pastebin
When I change the aliases-english.sk (SkQuery 2) Error: Pastebin
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um you could

  make console execute command "/give %player% (item) 1 {unbreakable:1,Enchantment,[{sharpness},level:1],]}

if dont work look for old way of giving enchanted items in minecraft
Hey thanks for your reply but i cant Update Skript because all my skripts would not work any more its because of skquery (SkQuery 3) i also dont know what Version of Skript im using also other addons cause issues. But i am using spigot ver. 1.8.8 and i don‘t want to upgrade.

So im now at the computer and wanted to ask if you guys could send me the right version of Skript for 1.8.8 and SkQuery because when I try to Enable Skript (Skript-dev36) it works but when I then try to enable SkQuery it does not work so what version of SkQuery should I use?

SkQuery 4 Error: Pastebin
SkQuery 3
Error: Pastebin

When I change the aliases-english.sk (SkQuery 3) Error: Pastebin
When I change the aliases-english.sk (SkQuery 2) Error: Pastebin
use an older version of skquery by limeglass
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