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Jun 17, 2017
Category: Chat/Utility

Suggested name: ChatFilter

Spigot/Skript Version: Skript 2.3.7 - Spigot 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT

What I want:
A simple chat filter that blocks players' messages when the skript detects a bad word. Let's say "love" is a bad word for example- if I say "love," then it won't even send the chat message. It'll say, "You cannot say that!"

Ideas for commands: N/A

Ideas for permissions: N/A

When I'd like it by: 2 Weeks from 11/13/19
on script load:
    set {badwords::*} to "love" and "badword" and "blockme"

on chat:
    loop {badwords::*}:
        if message contains loop-value:
            cancel event
            message "&cYou cannot say that."

Like this simple?