Solved Need to know something before I make this Skript

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Jul 21, 2019
Hi, all. No, I don't need help with a script I currently have, but rather I need to know if what I'm about to do is even possible using Skript or an add-on. I will try my best to explain, but even me saying it in my head is confusing. Here goes.

I'm creating a script that will search a variable list (known in my script as a "database", but it's just a list), show this list to the player, and then the player can do as they wish with that info. I'm wondering if it's possible to search a list (based on command arguments) for specific results, but ONLY show results matching a certain argument (negating the rest of the info in the lists). I will be using multiple lists. I do not want to do this all manually, but I can if need be. If you're still reading this, I hope I haven't confused you by now.

Search a variable list for a specified argument, and show only the matching results in chat

Minecraft Version: 1.14.3 (for certain reasons)
Server Version: PaperSpigot, git-Paper-134 (MC: 1.14.3) (again, for certain reasons)
Skript Plugin Version: Skript-2.4-beta7 (fork by bensku)
Addons: SkQuery 4.1.1, Ersatz 1.0
Hi, all. No, I don't need help with a script I currently have, but rather I need to know if what I'm about to do is even possible using Skript or an add-on. I will try my best to explain, but even me saying it in my head is confusing. Here goes.

I'm creating a script that will search a variable list (known in my script as a "database", but it's just a list), show this list to the player, and then the player can do as they wish with that info. I'm wondering if it's possible to search a list (based on command arguments) for specific results, but ONLY show results matching a certain argument (negating the rest of the info in the lists). I will be using multiple lists. I do not want to do this all manually, but I can if need be. If you're still reading this, I hope I haven't confused you by now.

Search a variable list for a specified argument, and show only the matching results in chat

Minecraft Version: 1.14.3 (for certain reasons)
Server Version: PaperSpigot, git-Paper-134 (MC: 1.14.3) (again, for certain reasons)
Skript Plugin Version: Skript-2.4-beta7 (fork by bensku)
Addons: SkQuery 4.1.1, Ersatz 1.0
This isn't very hard to do, you can just loop the list, check if the loop-value is what you want (e.g. `if loop-value contains "test":`), and if so, send it to the player. Example:

loop {_list::*}:
    if loop-value contains "query":
        message loop-value
You see, this is why the forums exist, because the wiki (even the ones by bensku and Njol) did not help with what I needed.
Thank you for helping!
I know how to check if a list contains the value. I just needed skript to send all matching results from said list.
Oh ok sec
I know how to check if a list contains the value. I just needed skript to send all matching results from said list.
loop {list::*}:
    if loop-value contains "%arg-1%":
        send "%loop-index% %loop-value%"

Ok the other kids thing was wrong anyway this is it.

Sends: 1. %arg-1%bot
2. %arg-1%no
3. %arg-1%hi
4. %arg-1%weird
command /list [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is "help":
            send "&cHelp:%nl%&7/list search [Name]%nl%&7/list add [Name]%nl%&7/list remove%nl%&7/list show"
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if arg-2 is not set:
                send "&c/list help"
        if arg-1 is "add":
            if {listv2::*} contains arg-2:
                send "&c%arg-2% already exists!"
                add arg-2 to {listv2::*}
                send "&aSucessfully added %arg-2% &ato the list."
        if arg-1 is "search":
            if {list::*} contains arg-2:
                loop {list::*}:
                    if loop-value contains arg-2:
                        send "&c%loop-index%&f: %loop-value%"
        if arg-1 is "remove":
            if {list::*} contains arg-2:
                remove arg-2 from {list::*}
                send "&aSucessfully removed %arg-2% &afrom the list."
        if arg-1 is "show":
            loop {list::*}:
                send "%loop-index% %loop-value%"

Here's an example
[doublepost=1569522218][/doublepost]Also contains will register words as %arg-1%withextraonit
If you want only specific things use =
With what I was wanting to do, it actually doesn't matter the words with extra text, as the extra text would actually be more words.
I do thank you for helping, though. Will be testing more soon.
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