Prison /Upgrade Skript.

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May 16, 2019
Category: Skripts;

Suggested name: Upgrade skript;

Spigot/Skript Version: Latest;

What I want:
Hello, I want a /upgrade skript for pickaxe custom enchants. I want it to have GUI that opens when you run the command and I want it to have blocks that when you click to enchant your pickaxe enchant level by one. I want it to have: Efficiency, Fortune, Unbreaking, Explosive, Haste, JackHammer(Like in VanityMC) and MultiDirectional(Like in VanityMC). I want them to cost 5000 coins for each level and the max level to be 5000.

Ideas for commands: /upgrade

Ideas for permissions: prison.upgrade

When I'd like it by:
A week.
No cuz I have it 50% done
command /upgrade:
    if player's tool is not a pickaxe:
      message "&cYou must hold a pickaxe!"
      open chest with 3 rows named "&6&lEnchants" to player
      format slot 10 of player with stone named "&7Fortune&b (%level of fortune of tool of player%)" to run [execute console command "fortune %player%"]
      format slot 13 of player with stone named "&7Unbreaking&b (%level of unbreaking of tool of player%)" to run [execute console command "unbreaking %player%"]
      format slot 16 of player with stone named "&7Efficiency&b (%level of efficiency of tool of player%)" to run [execute console command "efficiency %player%"]

command /fortune <player>:
 executable by: console
  if {token::balance::%arg-1%} is greater or equal to 5000:
   subtract 5000 from {token::balance::%arg-1%}
   set {Fortune.%arg-1%} to "fortune %level of fortune of tool of arg 1 + 1%"
   enchant arg-1's tool with "%{Fortune.%arg-1%}%" parsed as enchantment type
   message "&a&l(!)&a You have upgraded fortune to &b%{Fortune.%arg-1%}%&a!" to arg 1
   close inventory of arg 1
   message "&cInsufficient Funds!" to arg 1

command /efficiency <player>:
 executable by: console
  if {token::balance::%arg-1%} is greater or equal to 5000:
   subtract 5000 from {token::balance::%arg-1%}
   set {Efficiency.%arg-1%} to "efficiency %level of efficiency of tool of arg 1 + 1%"
   enchant arg-1's tool with "%{Efficiency.%arg-1%}%" parsed as enchantment type
   message "&a&l(!)&a You have upgraded efficiency to &b%{Efficiency.%arg-1%}%&a!" to arg 1
   close inventory of arg 1
   message "&cInsufficient Funds!" to arg 1

command /unbreaking <player>:
 executable by: console
  if {token::balance::%arg-1%} is greater or equal to 5000:
   subtract 5000 from {token::balance::%arg-1%}
   set {unbreaking.%arg-1%} to "unbreaking %level of unbreaking of tool of arg 1 + 1%"
   enchant arg-1's tool with "%{unbreaking.%arg-1%}%" parsed as enchantment type
   message "&a&l(!)&a You have upgraded unbreaking to &b%{unbreaking.%arg-1%}%&a!" to arg 1
   close inventory of arg 1
   message "&cInsufficient Funds!" to arg 1