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How do I put a command into triggers?
Skript Version (do not put latest):
Skript Author: Idk
Minecraft Version:
Just stop asking such stupid questions including « Idk » it’s annoying as hell, no one is going to help you and it’s just fucking ridiculous. Please learn the basics. I mean, if there was a problem within that command, sure, we’d help but that’s just wow- *idk*
Just stop asking such stupid questions including « Idk » it’s annoying as hell, no one is going to help you and it’s just fucking ridiculous. Please learn the basics. I mean, if there was a problem within that command, sure, we’d help but that’s just wow- *idk*
dude chill I'm sure this forum has politics about language don't get a warning or something for this guy this forum have staff to handle this kind of people
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