Every {variable} seconds not working

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New Member
Mar 16, 2019
I was working on a skript that would make a broadcaster to say certain things. However, I came across a bug with when I wrote "Every {duration} seconds:". It says that it cannot understand this event. Here is the code:
every {duration} seconds:
    if {active} is "true":
        set {broadinteger} to a random integer between 1 and 3
        if {broadinteger} is 1:
            set {broadcast} to {m1}
        else if {broadinteger} is 2:
            set {broadcast} to {m2}
        else if {broadinteger} is 3:
            set {broadcast} to {m3}
        broadcast "&3&l[&bBroadcaster&3&l] &9%{broadcast}%"

(Some background info: m1-m3 are the messages. Broadinteger is the random number picker to pick the message. And {active} is whether it is on or not.)
You can't use variables in events, you have to use the on load event with a while loop. Examle:
on load:
    set {_time} to now
    set {lastload} to {_time}
    while {lastload} is {_time}:
        broadcast "Every second!"
        wait 1 second
Also, from a programming view, you might want to use an incrementing message thing so you don't get the same message twice in a row (its tacky :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:)
on load:
    set {messages::1} to "Message One"
    set {messages::2} to "Message Two"
    set {messages::3} to "Message Three"
    set {_time} to now
    set {lastload} to {_time}
    set {difference} to 10 seconds #time difference
    set {loopnumber} to 1
    while {lastload} is {_time}:
        {active} is true
        add 1 to {loopnumber}
        if {loopnumber} is more than 3: #total amount of messages
            set {loopnumber} to 1
        broadcast "%{messages::%{loopnumber}%}%"
        wait ({difference} parsed as timespan)
Also I didn't test this so hopefully it just works, been a while since I've done Skript
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