Shoot particle without addon

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#FUNCTION USAGE: line(<from>, <to>, <particle name (text)>)
function line(loc1: location, loc2: location, particle: text):
  loop blocks between block at {_loc1} and block at {_loc2}:
    show ({_particle} parsed as visual effect) at location of loop-block
command /line <text>:
  usage: /line ender signal, mobspawner flames, potion break, smoke, hurt, sheep eating, wolf hearts, wolf shaking, wolf smoke, firework's spark, critical hit, magical critical hit, potion swirl, transparent potion swirl, spell, spell, witch spell, note, portal, flying glyph, flame, lava pop, footstep, water splash, smoke particle, huge explosion, large explosion, explosion, void fog, small smoke, cloud, coloured dust, snowball break, water drip, lava drip, snow shovel, slime, heart, angry villager, happy villager, large smoke, item crack, block break, block dust, totem, spit, squid ink, bubble pop, current down, bubble column up, nautilus, dolphin
    line(location of player, location of block 5 meters in front of player, arg 1)
    send "Line particle complete."

There you go. You can use this with the line() function inside your skripts.