time remaining...

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Jun 29, 2017
So I have a basic skript running on my server that auto restarts my server after a set time but i was wondering if there would be a way to add a command to show how much time remains till the restart? like /restarttime or something... Is that possible? I am no Skript god so dont dont laugh at my basic skript! ahah...

on load:
    wait 2 seconds
    send "&7+-------------- &aCactus&eAuto&cRestart --------------+" to console
    send "&f" to console
    send "&fThe restart procedure has now started." to console
    send "&f" to console
    send "&f" to console
    wait 11 hours
    broadcast "&eServer Will Restart In &c1 &eHour!"
    wait 30 minutes
    broadcast "&eServer Will Restart In &c30 &eMinutes!"
    wait 20 minutes
    broadcast "&eServer Will Restart In &c10 &eMinutes!"
    execute console command "/tm bc &eServer Restart In\n&c10 Minutes!"
    wait 5 minutes
    broadcast "&eServer Will Restart In &c5 &eMinutes!"
    wait 4 minutes
    broadcast "&eServer Will Restart In &c1 &eMinute!"
    execute console command "/tm bc &eServer Restart In\n&c1 Minute!"
    wait 30 seconds
    broadcast "&eServer Will Restart In &c30 &eSeconds!"
    wait 20 seconds
    broadcast "&eServer Will Restart In &c10 &eSeconds!"
    wait 5 seconds
    broadcast "&eServer Will Restart In &c5 &eSeconds!"
    execute console command "/tm bc &c&l5"
    wait 1 seconds
    broadcast "&c4"
    execute console command "/tm bc &c&l4"
    wait 1 seconds
    broadcast "&c3"
    execute console command "/tm bc &c&l3"
    wait 1 seconds
    broadcast "&c2"
    execute console command "/tm bc &c&l2"
    wait 1 seconds
    broadcast "&c1"
    execute console command "/tm bc &c&l1"
    wait 1 seconds
    broadcast "&cNow!"
    execute console command "/tm bc &c&lNow!"
    wait 1 seconds
    execute console command "/essentials:kickall &b&lWe're sorry! \n&7 \n &e&lThe &c&lSurvival &e&lserver is restarting! \n&7 \n &7This is automatic and should only be a minute!"
    execute console command "/essentials:kick FallingCactus &b&lWe're sorry! \n&7 \n &e&lThe &c&lSurvival &e&lserver is restarting! \n&7 \n &7This is automatic and should only be a minute!"
    wait 3 seconds
    execute console command "/spigot:restart"
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You can try to set a variable on load and in the command you use that to check the remaining time
Maybe this can help you:
on load:
    set {variable} to now
command /remaining:
        set {_t} to difference between now and {variable}
        set {_t2} to 1 hour # set this to the sum of all of your timespans
        remove {_t} from {_t2}
        message "Remaining: %{_t2}%"
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