Problem with a gun skript

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Aug 23, 2018
Hi, i've tried to make a gun skript, but when the player use left-click i want the system shoot 3 arrows, not 1.

shoot arrow from player at speed 100

Sorry for my English, thanks xD
        loop 3 times:
            shoot arrow from player at speed 100

maybe this?
i've tried this, isn't working...
You should add a delay, for example:
        loop 3 times:
            if loop-number is not 1:
                wait 10 ticks
            shoot arrow from player at speed 100

shoot arrow at speed 100

I leave you my gun skript, hope it helps you!

on right click using stone hoe:
    if the name of player's tool is coloured "Gun": #Check if the tool is a weapon
        cancel event
        set {_ammo} to uncolored 3rd line of the lore of the player's tool parsed as a number #set {_ammo} to the number at 3rd lore
        if player is sneaking:         #Process of reloading
            set {_result} to 10 - {_ammo}    #set {_result} to the difference between 10 (the max amount of ammo of the gun) to know how many bullets need to reload.
            set {_t} to the player's tool    #set {_t} to the actual weapon, for later check if the player doesnt change the tool.
            loop {_result} times:
                if player has 1 gold nugget named coloured "Ammo": #Gold nugget named "Ammo" is needed to reload
                    if player's tool is {_t}:   #Checking if the player is holding the weapon
                        wait 0.4 seconds           #This time is the time that takes reload 1 bullet.
                        if player's tool is {_t}: #before remove 1 bullet and add 1 to the gun, check again.
                            if the 3rd line of the lore of the player's tool isn't coloured "&710":  #prevent to over-reload bugs.
                                remove 1 gold nugget named coloured "Ammo" from player's inventory
                                add 1 to {_ammo}  #This total will be setting to the lore later
                                set the 3rd line of the lore of the player's tool to "&7%{_ammo}%" #updating the total of bullets
                                set {_t} to the player's tool           #update {_t} to the actual weapon, this is because 1 bullet was added to the gun.
                                send "&6Ammo: &7%{_ammo}%/10"
                            exit loop
                    send "&cOut of ammo"
                    exit loop
            stop trigger
        else:       #Process of firing.
            if {_ammo} is less than 1:
                send "&cEmpty chamber" #Out of ammo
            if {FirerateTime::%player%} is not set:
                set {FirerateTime::%player%} to now
            set {_time} to difference between {FirerateTime::%player%} and now
            send "%{_time}%"
            if {_time} is more than 0.3 seconds: # 0.3 seg is the fire rate delay
                spawn snowball at player's head  #Note that the color is &c
                push last spawned snowball in direction of player at speed 3
                set the shooter of the last spawned snowball to the player
                remove 1 from {_ammo}
                set {FirerateTime::%player%} to now
                set the 3rd line of the lore of the player's tool to "&7%{_ammo}%"
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