[Feedback] Do you use/like the sidebar on the docs?

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Do you think we should GET RID OF the sidebar?

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  • Poll closed .
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I'm Poppy
Staff member
skUnity Legend
Nov 27, 2016
Discord Username
Hi everyone,

We're currently looking at enhancing the docs. One bit we have noticed is the sidebar. Is it actually used? It has a small impact on performance and might not even have a use.

So, we're wondering if people actually use the sidebar and if they like it? If you don't know what I mean, the sidebar is the thing that lists all the elements currently being displayed. Eg:

I'd love if everyone could please vote in the poll on this thread and provide any feedback about the sidebar that they might have.

The poll is asking if we should get RID OF the sidebar.

BaeFell & Wrong
I personally use it often, handy feature for easily finding syntax when I don't want to scroll down or don't use the search tool. Perhaps something to think about is making it look cleaner and better to use, you could add an option to minimize the sidebar and extend it.
+1 Keep
Currently it works nice in combination with the search tool.
+<none> Keep.

EDIT: You could add a hamburger-icon for those who would like to display the sidebar (or as user-settings etc).
Why removing hard-work, when you can find actually a nice workaround? :emoji_grinning:
I'd like it if it displayed some search filters rather than jumps to the syntaxes.
Thanks for everyones feedback. This thread has now been locked, removed from the portal and the poll ended. Thanks again.
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