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Apr 30, 2018
I wish that killing the player the attacker is given the variable of {_openchest} and only he can open that chest and the rest of the players can not do it, if they helped me with that I would be eternally grateful :emoji_frowning:

here is the code:

    TimeBomb-Holo: &6The explosion will be in
    nocleanpermission: nocleanup.admin

command /nocleanup:
    permission: {@nocleanpermission}
    permission message: &7puto no
        open chest with 2 rows named "&6&lBuild Configuration" to player
        format slot 2 of player with chest named "&e&lNoCleanUp" with lore "&7&lDesactivar el timebomb De Su Core Actual" to be unstealable
        format slot 6 of player with chest named "&e&lNoCleanUp" with lore "&7&lDesactivar el timebomb De Su Core Actual" to be unstealable
        format slot 11 of player with 160:5 named "&aActivar" to close then run [make player execute command "/§onnoclean"]
        format slot 15 of player with 160:14 named "&cDesactivar" to close then run [make player execute command "/§offnoclean"]

command /§onnoclean:
    permission: {@nocleanpermission}
        set {timebomb} to true
        message "&as &aEl NoFall Ha Sido &aActivado."

command /§offnoclean:
    permission: {@nocleanpermission}
        set {timebomb} to false
        message "&a &aEl NoFall Ha Sido &cDesactivado"

on load:
    set {timebomb} to false

on death:
    if {timebomb} is true:
        if victim is a player:
            play "ORB_PICKUP" to attacker
            set the block at location of victim to chest
            set {_dchest} to the victim's inventory
            set {_dchest} to block at location of victim
            set block west of block at location of victim to chest
            add {_openchest} to attacker
            add inventory of victim to {_dchest}
            add helmet of victim to {_dchest}
            add chestplate of victim to {_dchest}
            add leggings of victim to {_dchest}
            add boots of victim to {_dchest}
            clear drops
            set {_holo} to position of block 1.1 meters above {_dchest}
            set {_x} to x-coordinate of {_dchest}
            add 0.5 to {_x}
            set {_y} to y-coordinate of {_dchest}
            add 0.5 to {_y}
            set {_z} to z-coordinate of {_dchest}
            add 0.5 to {_z}
            if {_x} is less than 0:
                set {_xs} to 1
                set {_x} to -1*{_x}
                set {_xs} to 0
            if {_z} is less than 0:
                set {_zs} to 1
                set {_z} to -1*{_z}
                set {_zs} to 0
            set {_loc} to (10000000000*{_xs} + 1000000000*{_zs} + 1000000*{_x} + 1000*{_y} + {_z})
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a30s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a29s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a28s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a27s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a26s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a25s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a24s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a23s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a22s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a21s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a20s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a19s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a18s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a17s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a16s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a15s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a14s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a13s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a12s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a11s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a10s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &a9s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &68s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &67s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &66s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &c5s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &c4s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &c3s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &c2s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            delete {_openchest} to attacker
            create hologram "{@TimeBomb-Holo} &41s" at location of {_holo} for 1 second
            wait 1 second
            set block at location of victim to air
            strike lightning effect at {_dchest}
            create an explosion of force 4 at {_dchest}
            clear dropped items

on right click on a chest:
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