Check if clicked player exists

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Jan 19, 2018
I tried some ways to do it but it doesn't work. What want is that when you left-click in any situation, it tells if you are clicking a player.

on leftclick:
    if clicked entity is a player:
        broadcast "it works"

For some reason this doesn't work and I have tried things like this:

on leftclick:
    set {_entity} to "%clicked player%"
    broadcast "%{_entity}%"

on leftclick:
    set {_entity} to "%clicked entity%"
    broadcast "%{_entity}%"

It always says that {_entity} is <none> no matter what or who I leftclick.
hmm.. you can use
on leftclick on player
but skript logs error:
A leftclick on an entity is an attack and thus not covered by the 'click' event, but the 'damage' event.
so for rightclick:
on rightclick on player
and for leftclick:
on damage
you can add condition:
on damage:
    attacker is player
    victim is player
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This is not what I am looking for. As I said, I want it to tell if I am clicking on player or not.
its that :emoji_grinning:
#"I want it to tell if I am clicking on player or not."
on damage:
    if attacker is player:
        if victim is player:
            broadcast "You clicked on player: %victim%" #YES
            broadcast "You clicked on entity: %victim%" #NO
You don't seem to get it. It should also tell if you are not attacking a player. Make it so it will broadcast when you don't hit a player.
For example, if you missed your attack and didn't get the hit, it should tell you didn't hit a player. I am looking for a left click event, NOT a damage event.
ohhh oke :emoji_grinning: wait a minute
on leftclick:
    if gamemode of player is survival:
        loop players in radius 3.5 around player:
            set {_h} to true
        if {_h} is true:
            broadcast "&cYou miss player!"
maybe this..
but you need to put thre som conditions.. like world.. or if you want it for PvP make {pvp.joined::%player%} variable and check if is player conected
ye.. i.. ohh god.. -_-.. i forgot... sry
try this:
on leftclick:
    if clicked entity is set:
        if gamemode of player is survival:
            loop players in radius 3.5 around player:
                set {_h} to true
            if {_h} is true:
                broadcast "&cYou miss player!"
or this is better:
on damage:
    if victim is player:
        if attacker is player:
            set {combat.hit::%attacker%} to victim
            wait 2 ticks
            delete {combat.hit::%attacker%}
on leftclick:
    if gamemode of player is survival:
        if {combat.hit::%player%} is not set:
            loop players in radius 3.5 around player:
                set {_h} to true
            if {_h} is true:
                broadcast "&cYou miss player!"
Yeah, there isn't exactly a general singular event you can use to do this without some sort of weird code. To properly detect if they hit a player you'll need to use a damage event but to detect any click you'll need a general left click event. A solution like @MusicManSK's second example in the last post is basically what you'd need -- a variable to let you know cross-event whether or not the player damaged with that same click.
you can use a target entity :emoji_slight_smile:

on leftclick:
    if distance between target and player is smaller than 3.5:
        broadcast "%target entity%"
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