Solved Shop

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Apr 27, 2018
Yeah, it's me again. So..

on inventory click:       
    if event-inventory is not player's inventory:
        if name of player's current inventory is "&cErze":
            cancel event 
            if clicked slot is 9:
                close inventory of player
                make player execute command "/shop"
            if player has enough space for 64 dirt:
                clicked item is not air:
                    clicked slot is 0:
                        if clicked type is LEFT mouse:
                            if {coins::%player%} is more than {@ironpricebuyandsell}-1:
                                give player a iron ingot
                                remove {@ironpricebuyandsell} from {coins::%player%}
                                send "{@buyed1}"
                        else if clicked type is right mouse:
                            loop all items in the player's inventory:
                                if loop-item is iron ingot:
                                    if amount of loop-item is more than 0:
                                        remove 1 iron ingot from the player
                                        play "NOTE_PLING" to player at volume 0.2
                                        add {@ironpricebuyandsell} to {coins::%player%}
                                        #send "{@selled1}"
                                        send "{@needone}"
                        else if clicked type is right mouse button with shift:
                            loop all items in the player's inventory:
                                if loop-item is iron ingot:
                                    if amount of loop-item is more than 63:
                                        set {_amountitem} to amount of loop-item
                                        remove 64 iron ingot from the player
                                        play "NOTE_PLING" to player at volume 0.2
                                        add {@ironpricebuyandsell}*64 to {coins::%player%}
                                        #send "{@selledstack}"
                                        send "{@needstack}"
                        else if clicked type is left mouse button with shift:
                            if {coins::%player%} is more than {@ironpricebuyandsell}*64-1:
                                remove {@ironpricebuyandsell}*64 from {coins::%player%}
                                send "{@buyedstack}"
                                loop 64 times:
                                    wait 1 tick
                                    give player a iron ingot

I want skript to ignore actually the total amount of the item in the player's inventory. They should just sell 1 if they have more than 1 in their inventory. But with this skript, when i have e.g 10 stacks of Iron ingots, it sells 10 iron ingots although it should just sell one.
you need to do, loop-items in {_player}'s inventory,

function Sell(player: player, block: item):
    set {_Amount} to amount of {_block} in {_player}'s inventory
    send "%{_Amount}%" to {_player}
you need to do, loop-items in {_player}'s inventory,

function Sell(player: player, block: item):
    set {_Amount} to amount of {_block} in {_player}'s inventory
    send "%{_Amount}%" to {_player}
Everything is working alright but I just want the Skript to remove 1 of the iron I got but it removes 1 from every stack it looped and not 1 from the whole amount of the item Ingots in the inventory
    loop all items in the player's inventory:
        if loop-item is iron ingot:
            if amount of loop-item is more than 0:
                remove 1 iron ingot from the player"

    #Cant you use this instead of this ^?

    if player's inventory contains a iron ingot:
        remove 1 irong ingot from player's inventory
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