Solved Check what head player is clicking on

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Dec 29, 2017
Full Code:
on right click on head:
if clicked block is head of Wooomfy:
message "Computer"

I just can't seem to find a way to check what head the player is clicking on.
if the player clicks on a specific head, then the player would execute a command or receive a message. but I just can't seem to figure it out. I hope one of you can help =)


The error I get on reload: 'Wooomfy' is not an entity type

Have you tried searching the docs? Yes
Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
if clicked block is head of Wooomfy parsed as offline player:

may work. I Can't test the skript atm
I could make that you have to put manually who's head it is but i can't figure out how to check the player's head without manually putting there the information and then click it
on right click on head:
    clicked block is skull of "Wooomfy" parsed as a offline player
    message "Computer"
not tested
I don't think it is possible to do it that way, a thing you can do, is setting a variable like this '{skull.%location of event-block%}'.
Might not help but test;
on right click:
  if event-block is a head:
    if clicked block is skull of "Wooomfy" parsed as a offline player:
      message "Computer"
Might not help but test;
on right click:
  if event-block is a head:
    if clicked block is skull of "Wooomfy" parsed as a offline player:
      message "Computer"

Again no erros but doesn't do anything when i click on it
So the problem is in the clicked block event. Docs might help you with that event, ill try to figure out
on place of head:
    if name of player's tool is "&3&lComputer":
        set {gadget.%event-block%} to "Computer"

on right click on head:
    if {gadget.%event-block%} is set:
        if {gadget.%event-block%} is "Computer":
            message "Using Computer"

on break of head:
    if {gadget.%event-block%} is "Computer":
        clear {gadget.%event-block%}
        message "Computer removed"

This seems to work.

Thanks for the help, to all of you =)
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