Solved Random broadcast...

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Active Member
Nov 24, 2017
Category: chat

Suggested name: random broadcast

What I want:
So I was thinking about every 30 minutes [can be changed] it broadcast random tips for the whole server. But when a play does a command that person doesn’t see the messages again, until they do the same command.

Ideas for commands:
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
I haven't tested this, so let me know if it works. It shouldn't need any addons.
command /tipstop:
    permission: tipstop.use
    permission-message: "Oy, you ain't got permission"
        if {tipstop::%player%} is false:
            set {tipstop::%player%} to true
            set {tipstop::%player%} to false
command /tip <text> <text>:
        if arg 1 is "add":
            add arg 2 to {tiplist::*}
            send "Tip added to the broadcast list!"
        if arg 1 is "del":
            remove arg 2 from {tiplist::*}
            send "Tip removed from broadcast list!"
every 30 minutes:
    loop all players:
        if {tipstop::%player%} is not set:
            set {tipstop::%player%} to false
        if {tipstop::%player%} is false:
            if loop-player has permission "tip.broadcast":
                set {_randotip} to a random element out of {tiplist::*}
                send "%{_randotip}%"

i got a few errors iv fixed some, but i dont know about these.