Solved Projectile Trails

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Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
I know that it is possible to give arrows a custom particle trail using the code below, how can I do this same effect for fishing rods, snowballs, and eggs?

on shoot:
    projectile is arrow:
        while ground state of projectile is false:
            play heart at projectile
            wait 1 tick
[doublepost=1514233425,1514230209][/doublepost]Update I successfully got projectile trails working for arrows, snowballs, and eggs, I just need one for a fishing rod hook!
I don't even know if Fishing Rod is a projectile.. BTW you can do the same thing with it, just think about the name in the code:
on shoot:
    projectile is a fishing rod:
        while ground state of projectile is false:
            play heart at projectile
            wait 1 tick
I don't even know if Fishing Rod is a projectile.. BTW you can do the same thing with it, just think about the name in the code:
on shoot:
    projectile is a fishing rod:
        while ground state of projectile is false:
            play heart at projectile
            wait 1 tick
As it does not give any errors, it still doesn't work, I even tried using "hook" but nope!
[doublepost=1514236845,1514236757][/doublepost]All projectile types according to docs "A projectile, e.g. an arrow, snowball or thrown potion." I was once able to almost perfectly have the same effect on a hook from a fishing rod but I lost that code and am still trying to figure it out again.
[doublepost=1514237645][/doublepost]Alright for any future thread viewers, since the "trail projectile with %particle%" no longer works as of posting this I present a way to trail arrows, snowballs, eggs, and fishing rod hooks with a particle, there are endless possibilities, such as adding permissions or multiple effects. Merry Christmas everyone! ♥
# Arrow Trail
on shoot:
    projectile is an arrow
    while ground state of projectile is false:
        play heart at projectile
        wait 1 tick
#Rod Trail
on fishing:
    fishing state is fishing:
        set {p-r-heart.%player%} to 1
        loop 1000 times:
            if {p-r-heart.%player%} is 1:
                wait 0.03 seconds
                play heart at location of hook
# Snowball Trail
on shoot:
    projectile is a snowball
    set {p-s-heart.%shooter%} to 1
    loop 1000 times:
        if {p-s-heart.%shooter%} is 1:
            wait 0.03 seconds
            play heart at location of projectile
on shoot:
    projectile is a egg
    set {p-e-heart.%shooter%} to 1
    loop 1000 times:
        if {p-e-heart.%shooter%} is 1:
            wait 0.03 seconds
            play heart at location of projectile

# Trail Stop
on projectile hit:
    projectile is snowball
    set {p-s-heart.%shooter%} to 0
on projectile hit:
    projectile is egg
    set {p-e-heart.%shooter%} to 0
on fishing:
    fishing state is failed_attempt or in_ground or caught_fish or caught_entity:
        set {p-r-heart.%player%} to 0

# Debug Method :: Fishing Rod
#on fishing:
#    broadcast "%fishing state%"
#    if "%fishing state%" is "CAUGHT_FISH" or "CAUGHT_ENTITY":
#        if caught entity is set:
#            broadcast "%caught fish%"
Take a look at this code i made for somebody else the other day
function setMetadata(n: string, t: object, o: object):
  set {_args::*} to {_n} and new {FixedMetadataValue}({metadata::Skript} and {_o})
  if {_o} is not null ref:
    set {_args::*} to {_n} and {metadata::Skript}
function getMetadata(n: string, t: object) :: object:
  return (first element out of ...{_t}.getMetadata({_n}).toArray()).value()
function deleteMetadata(n: string, t: object):
  setMetadata({_n}, {_t}, null ref)
on shoot:
  {cosmetics::%shooter's uuid%::trail} is set
   while getMetadata("hit", projectile) is not true:
     play {cosmetics::%shooter's uuid%::trail} parsed as a particletype at projectile
     wait 0.03 seconds
on projectile hit:
  setMetadata("hit", projectile, true)
Take a look at this code i made for somebody else the other day
function setMetadata(n: string, t: object, o: object):
  set {_args::*} to {_n} and new {FixedMetadataValue}({metadata::Skript} and {_o})
  if {_o} is not null ref:
    set {_args::*} to {_n} and {metadata::Skript}
function getMetadata(n: string, t: object) :: object:
  return (first element out of ...{_t}.getMetadata({_n}).toArray()).value()
function deleteMetadata(n: string, t: object):
  setMetadata({_n}, {_t}, null ref)
on shoot:
  {cosmetics::%shooter's uuid%::trail} is set
   while getMetadata("hit", projectile) is not true:
     play {cosmetics::%shooter's uuid%::trail} parsed as a particletype at projectile
     wait 0.03 seconds
on projectile hit:
  setMetadata("hit", projectile, true)
This is amazing but I barely understand any of it, but thank you, I can pick pieces of this to help me better understand your complex yet efficient way of doing things.
I don't know if my way to do it is good but get it newbs:
on shoot:
 set {_l} to location of projectile
 set {_a} to 0
 while projectile doesn't exists:
  wait 0.03 seconds
  if location of projectile is equal to {_l}:
   set {_l} to location of projectile
Code need to be corrected and be made gud but im lazy mineman so shut up and get it
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