Solved Replace a Block

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2017
Hey there! You are probably seeing my name a lot throughout the help section as I have been having a lot of questions that I wanted to be answered. You guys are awesome! So, my current issue is that I need to replace a block. Now, when I destroy a pumpkin, it destroys it and replaces it with stone, but after 40 ticks, it should go back to a pumpkin which it doesn't. Here is my code:
on block break:
        if event-block is a 86:
                set {_newBlock} to event-block
                set event-block to a 4
                event-block.setCustomName(event-block.getItemStack().getItemMeta().getDisplayName() ? "&c&lLOOTED")
                wait 40 ticks
                set {_newBlock} to a 86

So, the pumpkin (86) gets replaced with stone, which is good, but the stone, after 40 ticks, doesn't replace back to a pumpkin.

(the code in the middle that looks like Bukkit Coding is one I am currently asking for help on a different thread for. If you can answer it, that would be great too!)

Thanks a lot guys! :emoji_wink:

Best of Luck,
- @LoneElf
That's because you're setting the variable, {_newBlock} to the ID value of the block, not the location. Set it as
set {_newBlock} to location at event-block
Thanks @White. The problem I have is, I need to remove the block that was currently at {_newBlock} because right now, it keeps the stone and just drops a pumpkin. Is there a way to clear a block that is at {_newBlock}?

Thank you!
[doublepost=1506303653,1506302228][/doublepost]Never mind - I got it to work. I just did: set event-block to 86 to set it back to a pumpkin! :emoji_slight_smile: Thanks!
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