
Addon TwitterSK 1.0.3

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Addon Developer
Jan 27, 2017
Nashoba submitted a new resource:

TwitterSK - Control Twitter with Skript!

Source code:

1) Go to and create a new application with name, description and website you want

2) Now go to, select your application and click on the tab named "Keys and Access Tokens"

3) You can get here your consumer key...

Read more about this resource...
Can you healp me?
How to organize tweets in the menu, example:
this is the code
command /news:
        if player is op:
            open chest with 5 rows named "&9Twitter" to player
            wait a tick
            set {tweets::*} to home timeline
            set {_i} to 0
            loop {*}:
                format slot {_i} of player with book named "&c%loop-index% - &e%twitterer of loop-value%" with lore "&9%text of loop-value%" to be unstealable
                add 1 to {_i}


in twitter:
O Player: FilipeNock foi Banido do Servidor
Motivo: TestandoAPITwitter
Horario: 30/01/17 00:48
Code to send tweet
on command "/ban":
    set {_args::*} to arguments split at " "
    if size of {_args::*} = 3:
        tweet "Player: %{_args::1}% has banned%newline%Reason: %{_args::2}%%newline%Date: %now%"



Code to open menu:
command /news:
        if player is op:
            open chest with 5 rows named "&9Twitter" to player
            wait a tick
            set {tweets::*} to home timeline
            set {_i} to 0
            loop {tweets::*}:
                format slot {_i} of player with book named "&c%loop-index% - &e%twitterer of loop-value%" with lore "&9%text of loop-value%" to be unstealable
                add 1 to {_i}

Why should I create a topic for this? I'm in the discussion of the addon, and I'm talking about it
@FilipeNock you're actually requesting help with something about the addon, if the problem is something big (which doesn't seems to be the case, but you'll know this for the future), it'll just make the thread longer with no reason, that's why you should create a new thread for it.

Now, regarding your issue, it seems that the strange character that says "lf" in it is the one which split the message, if you could get that char and then do something like:
loop {tweets::*}:
    set {_currentTweet::*} to text of loop-value split by "that character"
    format gui slot (loop-index parsed as int - 1) of player with book named "%loop-index% - &e%twitterer of loop-value%" with lore "&9%join {_currentTweet::*} by ""||""%" to nothing

P.S: as you can see, in my code I used the "format gui slot" instead of the "format slot", it's because the format slot is so buggy and not recommended (even more in loops because some items disappear without waiting a few ticks) and that's why I used the "format gui slot" which is the new and better "format slot", it's from TuSKe, you should use it because it fixed the bugs that the format slot had and it's a lot more customizable, I recommend it. Here is the link of the resource here and the beta releases if you want see it:
@FilipeNock you're actually requesting help with something about the addon, if the problem is something big (which doesn't seems to be the case, but you'll know this for the future), it'll just make the thread longer with no reason, that's why you should create a new thread for it.

Now, regarding your issue, it seems that the strange character that says "lf" in it is the one which split the message, if you could get that char and then do something like:
loop {tweets::*}:
    set {_currentTweet::*} to text of loop-value split by "that character"
    format gui slot (loop-index parsed as int - 1) of player with book named "%loop-index% - &e%twitterer of loop-value%" with lore "&9%join {_currentTweet::*} by ""||""%" to nothing

P.S: as you can see, in my code I used the "format gui slot" instead of the "format slot", it's because the format slot is so buggy and not recommended (even more in loops because some items disappear without waiting a few ticks) and that's why I used the "format gui slot" which is the new and better "format slot", it's from TuSKe, you should use it because it fixed the bugs that the format slot had and it's a lot more customizable, I recommend it. Here is the link of the resource here and the beta releases if you want see it:
I did it, but I see that your method is easier thanks
command /news:
        if player is op:
            open chest with 5 rows named "&9Twitter" to player
            wait a tick
            set {tweets::*} to home timeline
            set {_i} to 0
            loop {tweets::*}:
                set {_test} to text of loop-value
                replace all "%newline%" with "||&9" in {_test}
                format slot {_i} of player with book named "&c%loop-index% - &e%twitterer of loop-value%" with lore "&9%{_test}%" to be unstealable
                add 1 to {_i}
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