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  1. W

    if {variable} is greater than 1 problem

    How i do it to numbers?
  2. W

    if {variable} is greater than 1 problem

    Oh but this is the only version that is working.
  3. W

    if {variable} is greater than 1 problem

    No, because otherwise every number is saved for each player, but this is the variable that shows how many players are in the game. If% player% is in there it is most 1 but it should count in total...
  4. W

    if {variable} is greater than 1 problem
  5. W

    if {variable} is greater than 1 problem

    It is mandatory because at 2 Player starts the game?! I think I don't quite understand what you mean?!
  6. W

    if {variable} is greater than 1 problem

    So here do it add: if arg 1 is "join": if {join.%player%} is "0": set {join.%player%} to "1" teleport player to {spawn.lobby} add sender to {ampelrennen.%player%} add 1 to {count.player.ampelrennen}...
  7. W

    if {variable} is greater than 1 problem

    It doesent work with if {variable} > 1 and i dont know the version xd Here stand: You are running a custom version of Skript No updates will be installed
  8. W

    if {variable} is greater than 1 problem

    Hi, i have a Script. And this is a Minigame, at 2 Players the Game starts but if i do {the variable} is greater than 1: in the skript then in Minecraft comes an Error: Cant understand this event: if {count.player.ampelrennen} greater than 1' Line 77: Remove etc. Here's the Skript...
  9. W

    Solved Problem because the former is not an object

    Thanks it works :D
  10. W

    Solved Problem because the former is not an object

    I maked a Skript. The Skript has a problem. The Skript should make the sender of a command to a variable. Here's the Skript: options: #Hier kannst du alles ändern SPIELMODUSNAME: &e&lAmpelrennen #Messages: KEINERECHTE: &cSorry du hast dafür keine Rechte...
  11. W

    Solved Problem with add 1 to {variable}

    omg thanks TPGamesNL It works thank you :D
  12. W

    Solved Problem with add 1 to {variable}

    It doesn't have to be set. This is the number of players currently in the game. If i set it, it cannot count the number of players
  13. W

    Solved Problem with add 1 to {variable}

    if arg 1 is "join": if {join.%player%} is "0": set {join.%player%} to "1" teleport player to {spawn.lobby} add 1 to {count.player.ampelrennen} send "{@JOINMESSAGE}" to player else if {join.%player%} is "1"...
  14. W

    Solved Problem with add 1 to {variable}

    Hello, i have a problem with my Script. I have a german Script because im german and here's a problem. The add 1 to {variable} doesent work. Here's the Skript: options: #Hier kannst du alles ändern SPIELMODUSNAME: &e&lAmpelrennen #Messages: KEINERECHTE...