Recent content by Squarebuilder

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  1. Squarebuilder

    Solved Amount of player's held item

    Works, thanks.
  2. Squarebuilder

    Solved Amount of player's held item

    Hello, i want to check how many items the player is holding (in his hand) and i don't know how or if that works. I know how to query how many items (of the held item) he has in inventory. It works like this: on right-click: set {_variable} to amount of player's held item in player's...
  3. Squarebuilder

    Add a new row above the hunger bar?

    Good day, I wanted to ask if anyone knows of a way with Minecraft Script to expand the hotbar by one row above the hunger bar? I've enclosed a screenshot of how I imagine it to be. The second screenshot is what it looks like on another non-modded server. That means it has to be possible...
  4. Squarebuilder

    Solved Set variable to lore of item

    Thank you!
  5. Squarebuilder

    Solved Set variable to lore of item

    Hello, for one of my scripts I have to set a variable on the lore of an item. Does anyone know how to do that? on right-click: set {_variable} to lore of event-item Error Code: {_variable} can only be set to an object, not more.
  6. Squarebuilder

    Solved Custom Head in a GUI

    It finally works. Thank you both very much. For someone who reads this later: That was the final code: command /vanillaGUI: description: The best way of doing something. trigger: set metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&7Hello There"...
  7. Squarebuilder

    Solved Custom Head in a GUI

    Yes, i have TuSKe, SkQuery and Skellet. I can try later without the addons.
  8. Squarebuilder

    Solved Custom Head in a GUI

    That does not work. Do I need any addons for this?
  9. Squarebuilder

    Solved Custom Head in a GUI

    I'm also ready to install add-ons, if only script is not enough in 1.12.2.
  10. Squarebuilder

    Solved Custom Head in a GUI

    Hi there, I've been trying to get custom heads (e.g. into a GUI for a few weeks now. I tried this code among others: command /gui: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with 1 row named "&6GUI" to the sender...