Recent content by PotatoGoesMoo

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  1. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Skript armor

    Hmm... sorry, I have no idea. I've checked everywhere I can find but I don't see anything. Perhaps message a dev?
  2. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Skript armor

    Sorry, I'm only telling you what I know. I've told you my suggestion. However, perhaps you could try to do some fancy work with the "on inventory click" event or something, but besides that, I don't believe there is any "on equip" event according to multiple sources I've looked at. My bad-...
  3. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Skript armor

    Hey :)! I don't believe there is an "on equip" event, but seen as alot of players equip their armor with right click, you could try this: on rightclick with diamond helmet: message "You have equipped your helmet." Hope I helped!
  4. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Give enchanted books without the console

    I never get any feedback from it in-game without updating anything, but if you do, you can try changing the gamerule. /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Cancels command feedback for vanilla minecraft commands /gamerule commandBlockOutput false - Cancels feedback from command blocks (possibly...
  5. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Give enchanted books without the console

    AHA, I see what you mean. I thought you meant it wasn't giving you anything at all. According to this reddit post: it is not possible to accomplish what you are trying to do without executing a console command.
  6. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Give enchanted books without the console

    Maybe try downloading RandomSK and WildSkript? Those are the only two differences in our addons and the code works fine for me.
  7. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Give enchanted books without the console

    Huh :/ Maybe try downloading this version of Skript: I had a problem with Skript earlier this week and an addon dev sent this to me. Perhaps it would help you too :)
  8. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Give enchanted books without the console

    What addons are you using?
  9. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Give enchanted books without the console

    Huh, tricky. Can you please list what version of Skript you use and any errors you have on reload?
  10. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Give enchanted books without the console

    Try this :): command /bookplease: trigger: give player enchanted book of sharpness
  11. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved Give enchanted books without the console

    Hey there! I actually just tried this and it worked fine: command /givebook: trigger: give player enchanted book Hope I helped!
  12. PotatoGoesMoo

    Custom Economy Skript help?

    Thanks for the reply! :) I now have this: on death of zombie: attacker is player: send "&aYou have recieved &21 &aCoins for killing &2%victim%&a. Get more kills to earn more Coins." to attacker add 1 to {coins.%attacker%} However this still doesn't seem to work. This seems...
  13. PotatoGoesMoo

    Custom Economy Skript help?

    Hey, I don't understand why this skript isn't working: on death of zombie: attacker is player: message "&aYou have recieved &21 &aCoins for killing &2%victim%&a. Get more kills to earn more Coins." add 1 to {coins.%attacker%} Thanks a ton! :emoji_slight_smile: EDIT: No...
  14. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved An internal error occurred... Help?

    Thanks so much!!! :)
  15. PotatoGoesMoo

    Solved An internal error occurred... Help?

    Skript Version: 2.1.2 Skript Author: Njolbrim Minecraft Version: Spigot 1.8.8 So the problem is, whenever I do the following and reload the skript: command /bio [<text>]: trigger: set {bio.%player%} to %arg-1% message "&aYour bio has been set!" It gives me the error...