Recent content by Policiu

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  1. Policiu

    Skript Tools Vim - Basic Syntax Highlighting 0.1

    Description: Ever wanted syntax highlighting in Vim for Skript? No? Well, here it is anyway! Features: Extremely Basic Syntax Highlighting A short enough tag (Vim) where the SkUnity won't even try to search! How it looks: How to install: Copy the contents of the folders into your syntax...
  2. Policiu

    i need help

    Could you post the skript you have already? So you just want to list the "members" of the duty? If you add the players to the duty, then you just need to loop through the list to get the players.
  3. Policiu

    Solved How to check lore of item if it has multiple lines?

    Lore is now returned as a list of strings (set {_lore::*} to lore of item), so you need to specify a line (line 2 of lore, {_lore::2}, etc ...) or just place the entire lore in a string. Example: if uncolored line 1 of the lore of the item contains "example1": if "%uncolored lore of item%"...
  4. Policiu

    Vim - Basic Syntax Highlighting

    Description: Ever wanted syntax highlighting in Vim for Skript? No? Well, here it is anyway! Features: Extremely Basic Syntax Highlighting A short enough tag (Vim) where the SkUnity won't even try to search! How it looks: How to install: Copy the contents of the folders into your syntax...
  5. Policiu

    Solved How to make a chest inventory that saves contents put in

    I remember that a long time ago, someone did it with actual chests and spawned them very far away. Anyway here is one way of doing it with variables.
  6. Policiu

    Custom Crafting Table

    Proof of concept if you want to try to do it in skript. I wanted to see if it were possible, I would recommend not using this though. Also, may have misread the request. "Features:" Uses SkRayFall (Maybe), and Skellet Only shaped crafting No multiple of items allowed in crafting (Easily...
  7. Policiu

    Solved Drag and drop

    Since, it is marked as solved, I stopped working on this. I couldn't figure out how to get at the stored enchantments using Skript without add-ons: on inventory click: if event-inventoryaction is swap with cursor: set {_enchantBook} to cursor slot of player set {_enchantItem} to...
  8. Policiu

    Can't divide x position by 30

    You have to use '%' to get the value of a variable in the string. Similar how you did when setting the variable. Ex. "%x position of player% / 3" = "10 / 3" "%x position of player / 3%" = "3.33" "{xposition}" = "{xposition}" "%{xposition}%" = "3.33"
  9. Policiu

    Top Biggest Fish

    Very close! The is bigger check needs to be on a different indentation level on fishing: if player is in world "spawn": if fish state is CAUGHT_FISH: # Constest is on going if {contest::started} is true: clear caught item add 1...
  10. Policiu

    Top Biggest Fish

    That should be an easy fix. Currently, you are only giving a fish to the player if the fish is the largest seen. Instead: Give the player a fish based on {_var} and not the max seen Update max if necessary
  11. Policiu

    Top Biggest Fish

    Try to remove "set {size::fish::%player%} to random number between 1 and 32.99." After I removed it, the script seems to work fine. Explanation: You are overwriting the variable with a new random which could be smaller that the original value.
  12. Policiu

    Top Biggest Fish

    What isn't working? Is it that the player's max fish keeps getting updated? set {_var} to random number between 1 and 32.99 if {_var} > ({size::fish::%player%} ? 0): set {size::fish::%player%} to {_var} set {size::fish::%player%} to random number between...
  13. Policiu

    Solved Block Breaking

    The closest I could find is "On item spawn." It is called when ANY item is dropped. So you could just cancel all items. I couldn't find an actual way of obtaining the reason for spawn.... I was trying to look through the docs to find a way to check the reason.
  14. Policiu

    Mob Spawn

    Skellett's is working for me.... Spigot: 1.12.2 Skript ver: 2.2-dev36 Skellett ver: 1.9.6b on spawn: broadcast "%Spawn Reason%" if "%Spawn Reason%" is "Spawner": broadcast "It's a %event-entity%!"
  15. Policiu

    Mob Spawn

    Requires Umbaska: