Recent content by Padlick

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Padlick

    Solved skDragon, Name in the console on removing particles

    Hey Guys. I use the particle effects from skDragon. If I use the syntax drawWings and later remove all particles with the syntax: stop all particle effects there comes the player name in the console. I don't have any messages in my script. I don't know from where it comes.. I have this code...
  2. Padlick

    Solved Error on removing unused addons

    Hey Guys, I made a GUI with the TuSKe Advanced GUI Syntaxes. But when I remove unused addons, like skQuery, Skript returns many errors at reload, that Skript can't understand the GUI Syntaxes. But I have to delete skyQuery out of my plugins because it get in conflict with ProtocolLib, which is...
  3. Padlick

    Solved Problem with Skript itself

    Hey Guys. I have a really big problem. Whenever I want to reload my script, I am thrown out of the server because of timeout and the server crashes. The script must have only 3 lines, and the server crashes completely during the script reload. An example: command /hi: trigger...
  4. Padlick

    How to sort things in list variables?

    Hey Guys. I tried the way with RandomSK set {Kills::Mirre} to 12 set {Kills::Bla} to 10 set {Kills::What} to 5 set {Toplist::*} to sorted {Kills::*} from highest to lowest message "Top Kills:" loop {Toplist::*}: message "%loop-index%: %loop-value%" But it doesn't work. I get a "Internal...
  5. Padlick

    Solved Kill entity's

    Thanks Dude! :) That is working. THANKS ! :D
  6. Padlick

    Solved Kill entity's

    With that, I am going to kill myself ;)
  7. Padlick

    Solved Kill entity's

    Is there any way to kill a thrown entity? My actually script: on right click with a stick: make the player shoot a spider at speed 2 wait a second kill last spawned spider But it doesn't work, the shooting works but the kill don't work ... :( (Sorry for my bad english, I am german...
  8. Padlick

    Solved Invisible Name Tags?

    Hey, is it possible to make the name tags over the player invisible? Because I make a minigame in minecraft and I want to make the name tags invisible... I have searched already and only found the "scoreboard" method... For the Info which scoreboard command I have used: scoreboard teams add...