Recent content by mordrowned

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  1. mordrowned

    Script SK KitPvP 1.0

    An easy to use, customizable and completely free KitPvP script. Installation: First you need to install Skript and the dependancy (SkBee) Skript: SkBee: After that you can download this...
  2. mordrowned

    SK KitPvP

    An easy to use, customizable and completely free KitPvP script. Installation: First you need to install Skript and the dependancy (SkBee) Skript: SkBee: After that you can download this...
  3. mordrowned

    GUI/block help

    What are your addons and which skript/mc versions are you using? Also, I don't believe "if player takes slot x of player" is a valid expression. You should use the "on inventory click" event. (read the docs for more info)
  4. mordrowned

    Solved Loop entity, location

    You can use the play particle effect. effect set {_loc}'s x-pos to {_x} set {_loc}'s y-pos to {_y} set {_loc}'s z-pos to {_z} play 2500 GLOW SQUID INK with offset of 0.1, 100, 0.1 and speed 0 at {_loc} If that doesn't work, let me know (I don't...
  5. mordrowned

    Solved Loop entity, location

    You could indeed use this instead of you want only all zombies Loop all zombies in radius x around player: Loop all zombies in world "world":
  6. mordrowned

    Opening an anvil gui to a player

    It was the only thing I saw in the skunity docs that had the "On Anvil Rename:" event, that's why I suggested it. I didn't know TuSke was outdated...
  7. mordrowned

    Opening an anvil gui to a player

    I don't know, sorry, you could ask in the SkUnity discord maybe?
  8. mordrowned

    Opening an anvil gui to a player

    Can you send your code? Also, I believe that if you cancel the chat event that doesn't happen, but I'm not 100% certain.
  9. mordrowned

    Opening an anvil gui to a player

    Yes you could, the easiest way would be to do it with typing in chat, but you could do it with signs You could use the "open sign gui" to open a sign gui and you could use "On sign change" to check what the player changed it to You need SkBee for the open sign gui though.
  10. mordrowned

    Solved Get killer from crystal

    Since end crystal is a heal reason, you can't use it as attacker BUT you CAN use attacker and end crystal as text Example: (should work hopefully) on death of player: victim is player "%attacker%" contains "ender crystal" add 1 to {kills::%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of...
  11. mordrowned

    Please how can I use skript to deal with explosion protection in an area, my current code is, sorry

    You could also use Worldguard protection for that?
  12. mordrowned

    Wardrobe Script

    You saved the item in the variable {chest::%{_slot}%::%player%} right? Well you can just use that variable to make them appear in the gui set slot {_slot} of player's inventory to {chest::%{_slot}%::%player%} I don't really know what you want though, so maybe specify it a bit further?
  13. mordrowned

    Opening an anvil gui to a player

    That is probably because TuSke doesn’t work on your server version, sorry but i dont rll have a clue.
  14. mordrowned

    Opening an anvil gui to a player

    You can check the event-string for what the player typed On anvil rename: If event-string is “hi”: Send “hi” to player
  15. mordrowned

    Not being able to send to player

    Could you maybe send your full code? Maybe you miss a trigger? command /test: trigger: send "hello"