Recent content by melanzy

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  1. M

    Tuske 1.8 GUI's

    on right click: if id of held item is 397: if name of held item is "&5Profile &7(Right Click)": cancel event open chest with 3 rows named "&5Profile" to player wait 1 tick set slot 4 of current inventory of player to skull of "%player%"...
  2. M

    Solved Need Help {in a hurry}

    I am trying to prevent adding the player twice, if i do the command it checks if he's already in {teamcount::*}, and if he is it doesn't add him again, else if he isn't it does add him
  3. M

    Solved How do you make console execute commands with inverted commas?

    Change the prefix to solved if everything's fine! No problem!
  4. M

    Solved How do you make console execute commands with inverted commas?

    give player compass named "Spawn Compass" with lore "&bThis is the spawn compass!" Needs Skquery, would help you alot if you read the documentation!
  5. M

    Solved How do you make console execute commands with inverted commas?

    Oh, my bad Use give player compass named "Spawn Compass" instead
  6. M

    Solved How do you make console execute commands with inverted commas?

    Remove the / at the beginning of the command, and if it still doesn't work, use minecraft:give instead In any command executed never put the slash If it still doesn't work, inclue the whole part of the code
  7. M

    Solved How do you make console execute commands with inverted commas?

    can you send the exact code? and what errors do you get?
  8. M

    Solved Need Help {in a hurry}

    Skript Version: 2.2-dev36 Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Code command /revive [<offlineplayer>]: aliases: rev trigger: if player has permission "events.moderator": if arg-1 is a player: make console execute command "scoreboard teams join Dead %arg-1%" make console execute...
  9. M

    Solved List variable to placeholder

    Thank you <3
  10. M

    Solved List variable to placeholder

    Skript Version: 2.2-dev36 Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 Addons i have that could affect this: placeholder-skript, ersatz, skellet on placeholderapi placeholder request for the prefix "alive": if the identifier is "player": loop all players: if player is in {teamcount::*}: add 1...
  11. M

    Solved need help

    This is if you want to send to the player that executed the command command /test [<text>]: if player has permission "test": #replace test with permission name if arg-1 is set: send "%arg-1%" to player This is if you want to send to a certain person command /test [<offlineplayer>]...