Recent content by martinn112

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  1. M

    Convert timespan to number to be added to balance

    How would i put this into my current code ? I have the idea of at join it will set a timestamp and whenever the player leaves or types a command, they will put the amount of time into a variable. Then there will be a second command, that can be executed whenever the variable is over 1 hour and...
  2. M

    Convert timespan to number to be added to balance

    Kan skam også få det til at virke med en every real second, men vil helst undgå det da kræver ret mange resourcer Men kan kigge lidt ind på det du har skrevet. Men mine tanker var at når man leavede ville man automatisk få sin løn udbetalt til total hvor man så kan claim den hvis der er nok til...
  3. M

    Convert timespan to number to be added to balance

    Hello, i am trying to convert a time span into a number that can be added to a player's balance, sort of like a wage system. on join: if player has permission "Skript.Vagt": set {Vagtløn.%uuid of player%} to now on quit: if player has permission "Skript.Vagt": delete...
  4. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    I'm using Skript2.2dev36 and im using paperspigot, but i am unsure about version but i know it's minecraft 1.8.8
  5. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    It doesn't understand line 4.
  6. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    Nope, still says i'm offline
  7. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    What Version of Skript and TuSKe and Minecraft are you using ?
  8. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    That code is still an issue, it still says the player ALWAYS is offline. I tried it with a random name, it says offline, Good. But then i tried my own name. Player is offline. Thats the issue
  9. M

    Issue with On death event with SKUltilities

    I have this code: on death: set {_name.victim} to skutil yaml value uuid of victim from file "plugins/SkriptConfigs/NavnListe.yml" set {_name.attacker} to skutil yaml value uuid of attacker from file "plugins/SkriptConfigs/NavnListe.yml" send "TEST AFTER NAMESET" to victim and with...
  10. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    The code you provided, it says arg-1 is not a Text. I presume it means the command /test [<OfflinePlayer>], where arg-1 is not a text
  11. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    It says arg-1 is not a Text, but i would like to keep using offlineplayer in the command
  12. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    Will that work ? Wouldnt you have to do set {_player} to arg-1 parsed as offlineplayer?
  13. M

    Help with checking if player is online in TuSKe GUI's

    I have an issue with a TuSKe GUI. When inside the GUI it will ALWAYS say the player is offline, but if i do the same outside the GUI, it will say the player is online. #This one says the player is offline while they are online command /test1 [<OfflinePlayer>]: trigger: if...
  14. M

    Difference between color codes

    I know that &4 Ingame takes up characters for like names n stuff. would using skript with <red> to set names maybe free up some characters ingame ?
  15. M

    Difference between color codes

    Hi, i would like to know if there is any difference to use <red> or &4?