Recent content by LukynkaCZE

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  1. LukynkaCZE

    Add Delay text

    Hi, this should work: command /dupe: description: Dupelicate trigger: if {cooldown::%player%} is not set: give player's tool to player add 60 to {wait_dupe::%player%} set {cooldown::%player%} to true else: message "&eYou...
  2. LukynkaCZE

    How do i allow console & players (with permission) to use /ban

    Hi, Try this. command /ban [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if executor is player: if player have permission "{@ban_permission}": #Your code here if executor is console: #Your code here
  3. LukynkaCZE

    My roulette command, doesnt work! Please help

    command /roulette <text> [<integer>]: trigger: set {_red} to 0 set {_black} to 0 set {_choose} to 0 if arg 1 is "red": if arg 2 is greater than {balance::%player%}: message "&4&lYou cannot bet an amount more than your current balance!"...
  4. LukynkaCZE

    Particle on arrow

    Hi, it's not that difficult. here's code: on shoot: projectile is an arrow while ground state of projectile is false: play heart at projectile wait 1 tick
  5. LukynkaCZE

    Join/Register 1.8 Welcome Title Not working

    You can download SharpSK ( Then you can do on authme login: send player title "&asuccessfully Logged in!" with subtitle "&aWelcome to &e<your server name>&f!" Im using this: on authme login: send player title "&c&lBeforeTheDawn" with...
  6. LukynkaCZE

    Worldborder increase.

    Hi, Try this: on first join: run player command "/worldborder add 5 2" as op on join: run player command "/worldborder add 1 2" as op
  7. LukynkaCZE

    Death npc

    Hi, Try this: on npc death: if name of npc event-citizen is "test": #Do something You cant do this without Skellett
  8. LukynkaCZE

    I Need someone's help :’

    Do you have SkQuery? SkQuery is the oldest Skript Addon that exists. It covers most of the more advanced features, including MySQL, reading information from the Internet, or creating a GUI
  9. LukynkaCZE

    Worldborder increase when a player joins.

    When you enter run console command "worldborder add 5 2" The console will not know in which world the border should be enlarged.
  10. LukynkaCZE

    Explosions on specific player blocks

    Hi, I've been thinking about this for about 30 minutes. This should work. on block place: If lore of player's tool is "&r ||&8&l> &7Player Block": set {blockplace::%event-location%} to player set action bar of player to "&4[PlayerBlocks] &7Block placed successfully"...
  11. LukynkaCZE

    Worldborder increase when a player joins.

    Hi, Try this: on first join: run player command "/worldborder add 5 2" as op on join: run player command "/worldborder add 1 2" as op
  12. LukynkaCZE

    Colour in arguments

    Hi, Try this: set the name of player's tool to "&r%colored arg-1%"
  13. LukynkaCZE

    Create flat world

    command /flatworld <text> <text>: player have permission "worldmanager.crate.flat" create world using creator named %arg 1%, seed %arg 2%, type %flat% You need MundoSK
  14. LukynkaCZE

    Solved How can I make a Grappling Hook with skript?

    Hi, of course! Try this: on fishing: if "%fishing state%" is "failed attempt" or "in ground": if block below hook is not air: if block below hook is not water or lava: push player (direction from player to hook) at speed (distance between hook and...
  15. LukynkaCZE


    Hi, I want to make a leaderboard. The one who has the most {points ::% player%} is on top and the others are sorted in descending order below I've tried something but nothing worked. Please help :)