Recent content by Kyllian

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. K

    2 types of arguments at same time?

    Still not working... command /rekening [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg-1 = "maak": if arg-2 is not set: message "&b&lInfo &7&l>> &fZo gebruik je het command: &7/rekening [maak, set] [naam] [nummer]"...
  2. K

    Solved on rightclick on chest with names items

    Im not really good at this sort of stuff but did you write somewhere you are also giving that chest the name "loot"?
  3. K

    2 types of arguments at same time?

    Hello i have a little problem, im making a custom command but there are different possiblities in my command that i need 2 types of arguments at the same time... Is this possible? Here is my skript; command /rekening [<text>] [<text> or <player>] [<number>]: trigger: if player is op...
  4. K

    Solved Block variables?

    Is there a way to give placed blocks a variable? I'm trying to make a door system with keys and iw ant to put a variable on doors to check if it's the correct key! Anybody can help me?
  5. K


    set {location.%player%} to location of player launch player's target to {location.%player%} Is that what you mean?:emoji_ear:
  6. K

    Capture the flag Skript

    I don't understand what you're trying. Are you just asking people if the want to make something for you? And do you pay?
  7. K

    Sorry that's my website doesn't exist i got him ofline because people can portforward me! It...

    Sorry that's my website doesn't exist i got him ofline because people can portforward me! It will be fixed as soon as possible!
  8. K

    This is my first message!

    This is my first message!