Recent content by jonawoning

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  1. jonawoning

    Scoreboard + Events of the block's rightclick

    If it has worked, set the form/thread as ''solved'', thanks!
  2. jonawoning

    Skript Round Number

    Hmmm gives a error. WARN Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (, line 1868: if...
  3. jonawoning

    Skript Round Number

    The numbers on a variable in my skript are giving like 10.0.. and i want it round like 10. Not like this: Code: every real minute: loop all players: if {kd.influence.%loop-player%} is not 2000: add 1 to...
  4. jonawoning

    Skript - Worldborder

    I already solved it, it was for a minigame i letted one random player execute the command: ''/worldborder set 100 720'' So it shrinks.
  5. jonawoning

    Skript - Worldborder

    It works, but i dont get damage if the border crimps. Only on the main world.. weird.
  6. jonawoning

    Skript - Worldborder

    Hey there! So I am trying to figure out if there is a way I can run a worldborder command per world from console. Currently, if you run /worldborder ... it will run it in the default world. ie: world. So, is there a possible way I can run a console command for a specific world? Thanks in...
  7. jonawoning

    PlayerPoints Skript Addon

    Is there a event like ''if player has *points*''?
  8. jonawoning

    How to stop dropped item for block break

    Do you mean this? on break: if event-block is melon_block: cancel the event Or you can use this: on break: if event-block is melon_block: clear drops cancel drops
  9. jonawoning

    Solved "every real minute" not working.

    You have to loop all players, if you don't do that you cant use this event.
  10. jonawoning

    Solved "every real minute" not working.

    Oh... i am so dumb. Thanks!
  11. jonawoning

    Solved "every real minute" not working.

    I want to add 1 {kd.influence.%player%} every minute to a player but it doesn't work. If i remove ''event-world'' event thing, then it says please add an event world etc. Error: every real minute: if "%event-world%" is "KnightMC"...
  12. jonawoning

    Solved Painting Skript Issue

    Use a minecraft:concrete value or ID like black concrete > 251:1 If that doesn't work, tell me. Or use: minecraft:white_concrete > minecraft:COLOR_concrete
  13. jonawoning

    Crate Inventory / GUI Issues

    I think this is the best solution of what you want. If it still don't works, tell us maybe we can help again. ;)
  14. jonawoning

    Crate Inventory / GUI Issues

    No problem! No Problem!
  15. jonawoning

    Solved Skript if message starts with "!" not working.

    Yes, but i am starting it in 'secret'. Discord: Jona#7797