Recent content by hatt

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. H

    click on interaction entity

    I want to use 'on click' event when I clicked interaction entity added in 1.19.4 But I got continuous error when I use 'on right click on interaction:' or 'on right click on interaction entity:' on my code. Also I tried to give scoreboard tag to the interaction entity, and I use 'event-entity...
  2. H

    Problem in setting list variable value

    I want to change multiple value of list at once. For example, I already have written down this phrase. set {list::*} to 100 But results are not what I expect. This phrase removes previous data of list, and inserts new data. So, list's (index : value) set to (1:100) How can I solve this issue?
  3. H

    How can I detect score?

    In Minecraft, scores are located next to the scoreboard objectives, which colored red (when scoreboard displayed as sidebar) but in SkRayFall addon, scores are located in original position of scoreboard objectives. Then I think scores made by SkRayFall addon and scores made by command block...