Recent content by EMEKTAR

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. E

    Help Error

    on place of chest: if name of player's tool is "Deneme": add location to {spawner::*} set {_location} to location of targeted block set {spawner::%{_location}%} to {_location} send "koydun" on break of chest: if {spawner::%location of targeted block%}...
  2. E

    Solved Help Error

    I'm fixed.
  3. E

    Solved Help Error

    Skript: command /vipdemirsat: permission: vip.sat permission message: &cVip olman gerek. &a/vip trigger: loop {vipsandik::%player%::*}: if amount of iron block in loop-value is greater than 1: add (amount of iron...
  4. E

    Right click the hologram and save the coordinate and put 1 on the block in hand

    Hello, right-click the hologram and place the spawner in the hands of the hologram coordinate on 1 block. on hologram touch: