Recent content by BestGamerNL

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    Solved Enderchest Error

    Does someone know why it is not opening a enderchest for the player code: command /enderchest: aliases: /echest, /ec permission: enderchest.use trigger: send "{@PREFIX} &5Opening enderchest" open ender chest to player stop
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    Ty for answering but i need a answer about my question not variables otherwise you should not react if you dont know the answer and of course i know what varibales is but i dont know where to place so thats why im asking some people for help
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    Solved Permisiion

    i added the permission but it seems not working it gave me this error the code to see whats wrong can you please help me out if arg 1 is "Obsidian+5": if player has permission "obsidian+5.use": set {_waited.kit.obsidian+5.%uuid of...
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    Solved Kit error

    Does someone know why i get this error my code is if arg 1 is "ocstarteroc": set {_waited.kit.ocstarteroc.%uuid of player%} to difference between {kit.ocstarteroccheck.%uuid of player%} and now if {_waited.kit.ocstarteroc.%uuid of...
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    Solved Permisiion

    where do i need to add my permissions for those 2 kits each one is for a different rank command /kit [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is "builder": set {_waited.kit.builder.%uuid of player%} to difference between {kit.buildercheck.%uuid of player%} and now if...
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    Faction title

    Heey guys i having a problem with something i have a factions server and now i add something in the chat so you can see that im in a faction like this Good Example: my skript code is: if {oc:rank:owner:%player's uuid%} is true: broadcast "&7%Faction of...
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    Solved Kits

    Heey guys i having a problem with my kit skript it is working well but now i want a cooldown for my players otherwise they can spam the kit as many time they want my code is command /kit [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is "builder": message "&a&lBuilder &7kit selected!"...
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    Solved Speed From Essentials

    Heey guys im building a skript because i dont want Essentials in my plugins anymore because its to bigg for my ram on my server so now i have one problem with my speed skript Essentials has a speed skript for flying / walking to 10 and now i want that in a skript i tried but its not working...
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    Solved Factions chat

    Heey skunity guys/girls i have a problem and that is i have the normal factions plugin for minecraft 1.8 with massive core and im using also skirpt but if i change the chat to a nice prefix for my players rank than i have not anymore the factions name before the rank i heart that theres a plugin...
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    Error Rorblem with skript

    Does some one know what this means im playing minecraft on 1.12 and i get this when i want a player have a tag above his name and my tab also dont work does some one know how to fix this
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    Solved Error

    Does some one know what this means im playing minecraft on 1.12 and i get this when i want a player have a tag above his name and my tab also dont work does some one know how to fix this
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    Solved Minecart Problem

    heey guys how to make a mincart in a gui emty i have now random carts in my gui does some one know what the code is thank you if you know
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    Solved Right click and it wil open a chest

    Heey guys i have a question i have a code here on join: clear player's inventory wait 2 ticks set slot 4 of player to nether star named "&7● &bAttractie &eMenu &7●" and what i want is that if a player right click with a netherstar that it wil open a chest with 6 rows does some one...
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    Solved Kits Cooldown

    heey guys im working on a factions server and of course there must be some kits in the game now i have created all kits but i have one problem and that is the cooldown does someone know how to fix this it will help me a lot this is my skript what i made command /kit [<text>]: trigger...