Recent content by AlfaLe0

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  1. A


    i need a script really important an essential script, i have to calculate when a player go over a distance from the spawn, if {lev.%player%} is less than 10 when player go more than 100 blocks from spawn push the player in spawn direction with speed 5 and also if player level is less than 20...
  2. A

    Click Event on an item with another item

    Yes thanks... if some other know the way that I have said before Thanks
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    Click Event on an item with another item

    Ok... thanks Blaze powder click on a sword (wood, ston, iron or diamond) The sword become enchanted with Fire Aspect... the blaze Powder disappear Thanks The thing that I asked is probably can be done with the Cursor click thinks
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    Click Event on an item with another item

    I think is not what I asked... In the player inventory you click an item and that you can move it... you move it on an other slot where there is an other item... like a sword... when you click on this sword with a book the sword become enchanted... how to do it? Please
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    Click Event on an item with another item

    Chan y write me an example? Please
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    Click Event on an item with another item

    how to write the code for when you click on a item with an other item? like put a book on a sword and the enchant it... please help
  7. A


    wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to " &a&lSpace&9&lPrison " set score "&l&7---------------" in sidebar of player to 12 set score "&8 " in sidebar of player to 11 set score " &c&lLevel&e: &f&l%{lev.%player%}% &7[&6%{percent.%player%}%...
  8. A

    Solved cancel jump

    oh yes
  9. A

    Solved cancel jump

    on step on ender_portal_frame: block below player is ender_portal_frame: if {power::%player%} is greater or equal to 10: if {oxigen.%player%} is less than 10: on player jump: #i need something here cancel event
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    Solved cancel jump

    which addons is it?
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    Solved cancel jump

    i want set that a player can't jump like a condition... if player jump: push player down with speed 2 can someone help me?
  12. A


    I think no
  13. A


    Thanks but if I want a code like that when the player is on the wool and sneaking: Message “3” Wait 1 second Message “2” Wait 1 second Message “1” Wait 1 second Message “process ended” Add 1 to a variable AND REPEAT THE PROCESS UNTIL THE PLAYER IS NOT SNEAKING ON WOOL... How I can loop this...
  14. A


    Thanks but I don’t want only when the player join... every time if player is on a wool block create a loop command... when the player is not sneaking or is not on the wool block the loop stop... please can you do this?
  15. A


    I need some help... I want to make that if a player is sneaking on a white wool block appen something... like send title message... change variables Player is sneaking On a wool block Every 3 second Send message 3 Send message 2 Send message 1 Add 1 to variable money #Repeat it every 3 seconds...