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  1. A


    skript-packet A Skript packet addon to replace ThatPacketAddon (which is not updated) with Skript 2.5.2+ Requirements Recent version of Skript Stable ProtocolLib dev build (does not works with v-4.5.1) Java8+ It's highly recommended to use skript-reflect What is a packet The Minecraft server...
  2. A

    Addon Skript-Packet 1.1

    skript-packet A Skript packet addon to replace ThatPacketAddon (which is not updated) with Skript 2.5.2+ Requirements Recent version of Skript Stable ProtocolLib dev build (does not works with v-4.5.1) Java8+ It's highly recommended to use skript-reflect What is a packet The Minecraft server...
  3. A

    Solved Cancel Swing Animation [ThatPacketAddon]

    Hi, no one reply so I will :D If you don't have found the solution , you can juste do: packet event play_client_arm_animation: broadcast "%object field 0%" and it will return "MAIN_HAND" or "OFF_HAND" or ... show what is inisde a packet but ProtocolLib do not use the same...
  4. A

    ThatPacketAddon faster analyse ?

    Hi, I need help to make my code the most faster as possible on packet event play_server_map_chunk: {{@title}::season} is "winter" boolean field = true set {_data::*} to byte array field set {_n} to size of {_data::*} - 255*4 loop 256 times: set {_data::%{_n}%} to 30...
  5. A

    API FTP API (Upload and Download to another FTP) 0.1

    With this small skript-api you can upload and download a file from an FTP. Created on September 19th 2018 by Anarchick (FR) Last edit on September 19th 2018 Need the addon skript-mirror , tested on spigot-1.12.2 , skript-mirror version 0.19.0, java version 1.8.0_144 BECAREFULL > the class...
  6. A

    Solved Nearest entity to location

    loop all entities in world of {_player}: loop-entity is not {_player} set {_dist} to (distance between {_player} and loop-entity *1000) + (random integer between 0 and 999)/1000 set {_list::%{_dist}%} to loop-entity broadcast "%the first element of {_list::*}%" Skript mechanics...
  7. A

    Send chunk (packet) to a player

    Hi, I have to change the chunk loading system to reduce a lot of lag when I ride my flying chicken, the following code work fine and allow me to not lag anymore: on packet event play_server_map_chunk: {game} is "start" if vehicle of player is a chicken: set {_Cx} to (int pnum 0...
  8. A

    how to make : on skript event ?

    Arf :emoji_frowning: it's too bad ... So ... I will use another method Is it possible to get more informations about the event ? : effect AEskript [%-object%]: trigger: broadcast "%event.getClass()%" broadcast "%event.getHandlers()%" command /ttt: trigger...
  9. A

    how to make : on skript event ?

    on "": broadcast "1) an event started" #IS NEVER BROADCAST The broadcast never appear so I can't do anything ... Note : (skript-mirror/console does not show any error)
  10. A

    how to make : on skript event ?

    In real life, I'm graduate of video making , I work with Adobe After Effect. I would like to try something with the last version of AE which allow to use .json files for coding something very special (coding in AE). I would like to know how to make : on skript event (and get the name of the...
  11. A

    how to make : on skript event ?

    Hey, it's possible to know when an Event is executed (events from .sk) and get the name of this event ? Skript-mirror : on "": broadcast "1) an event started" #No broadcast set {_e} to event broadcast "%{_e}%" on...
  12. A

    Need help with skript-mirror (about NBT of an item) This hotfix work for entities, but items seem to be broken send "%nbt of target%" work send "%send nbt of tool%" does not work (My code in first message work with "%item nbt of tool%"
  13. A

    Need help with skript-mirror (about NBT of an item)

    like i said : execute console command "/replaceitem entity %{_p}% slot.armor.head minecraft:diamond_sword 1 %{_id}%...
  14. A

    Need help with skript-mirror (about NBT of an item)

    Thx for help, set: set {_object} to expression-1 if {_object} is an item: set {_key} to expression-2 set {_nmsItem} to CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy({_object}) set {_comp} to new NBTTagCompound() set {_comp} to...
  15. A

    Need help with skript-mirror (about NBT of an item)

    Yes it's just an example, i will use it for set a lot of NBT in the same time like this : execute console command "/replaceitem entity %{_p}% slot.armor.head minecraft:diamond_sword 1 %{_id}%...