Recent content by aabss

  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. aabss

    Addon Skuishy

    aabss updated Skuishy with a new update entry: VERSION 2.6 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. aabss

    Addon Skuishy - VERSION 2.6

    VERSION 2.6 DOWNLOAD HERE Added: Skins - Player Head - Returns the head of a player as a string. (EXPRESSION) Decent Holograms - Hologram Visibility - Hides/shows a hologram to a player. (EFFECT) Decent Holograms - All Holograms - Gets all the decent holograms' holograms. (EXPRESSION) Decent...
  3. aabss

    Addon Skuishy - VERSION 2.5

    VERSION 2.5 DOWNLOAD HERE i know i said this will be a big update but i needed to release a patch, sorry Added: Decent Holograms - Realign Lines | Realigns lines of a hologram. (EFFECT) Decent Holograms - Save Hologram | saves a hologram (EFFECT) Decent Holograms - Hologram Facing |...
  4. aabss

    Addon Skuishy

    aabss updated Skuishy with a new update entry: VERSION 2.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. aabss

    Addon Skuishy

    aabss updated Skuishy with a new update entry: VERSION 2.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. aabss

    Addon Skuishy - VERSION 2.4

    VERSION 2.4 This is a fairly small release, but I promise next release will be worth it :emoji_slight_smile: Added: - Living Entity - Jump | Makes a living entity jump Fixed: - replace gson with json - fix pattern for - fix server not working if disky is installed...
  7. aabss

    Addon Skuishy

    aabss updated Skuishy with a new update entry: VERSION 2.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. aabss

    Addon Skuishy - VERSION 2.3

    VERSION 2.3 Added: - alot of things Fixed: - alot of things What's Changed Add tests by @Pikachu920 in New Contributors @Pikachu920 made their first contribution in Full Changelog...
  9. aabss

    Addon Skuishy - VERSION 2.2

    full changelog is off for whatever reason Full Changelog:
  10. aabss

    Addon Skuishy

    aabss updated skuishy with a new update entry: VERSION 2.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. aabss

    Addon Skuishy

    aabss submitted a new resource: skuishy - yet another skript addon Read more about this resource...
  12. aabss

    Addon Skuishy 2.6

    Skuishy You need Skript 2.7.0 and up to use. This addon is just a random addon I made to support/add random little things I thought would be nice to have in skript that for whatever reason any other addon doesn't have. I am always taking suggestions for syntaxes! Either message me on skUnity...
  13. aabss

    Addon [Deleted] Skuishy

    aabss updated Skuishy with a new update entry: Skuishy 1.9.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. aabss

    Addon [Deleted] Skuishy

    aabss updated Skuishy with a new update entry: VERSION 1.9 Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. aabss

    Addon [Deleted] Skuishy

    aabss updated Skuishy with a new update entry: v1.7.5 Read the rest of this update entry...